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Neal, whose secret musings were generally crossed by a military thread, seeing that he had chosen the career of a cavalry-soldier, and hoped soon to enter Sandhurst College, stared into the heart of the camp-fire, glowering at fate, because she had not ordained that Herb should serve the queen with him, and wear upon his resolute heart as it might reasonably be expected he would the Victoria Cross.

Jimmie Dale; flat upon the floor, his hand stretched in under the washstand, drew out a short, round, heavy object. He examined this attentively for a second; and then, his face hardening, he slipped it into his coat pocket. He resumed his musings, and resumed his search through the room.

He used to say that when people allowed themselves unmeasured time for what they called "thinking," it was generally an excuse for idle dreaming; because the brain, after a certain time given to active exertion, felt exhausted, and could no longer be prompted to work with intellectual profit; that, in consequence, the effort grew weaker and weaker, till vague musings and indistinct shadows gradually replaced the powerful grasp and clear vision of healthy mental labor.

Then he smiled, and the smile disclosed a front tooth missing. "I'll dream on't," he said. "Let ye know in the mornin', ma. But I won't court a minite, mind ye, 'nless I git store clothes." The boy's musings confirmed him in the idea that his mother's scheme was entirely practical.

He found himself glancing curiously at the old gentleman, measuring his strength, the breadth of his chest, and of his shoulders, as though the most important fact now were, who was to take Veronica on his back. He decided that Mravucsán was too weak to do it, and smiled to himself when he discovered how glad this thought made him. Mravucsán's voice broke in upon his musings.

One would not have said in the first place that the author of Religious Musings, still less of the Monody on the Death of Chatterton, was by any means the man to have compassed triumphantly at the very first attempt the terseness, vigour, and naivete of the true ballad-manner.

His musings merged into vacuity, into a dull gray mist of hopelessness comparable only to the dismal skies then lowering over London-town. Brentwick was good, but Brentwick was mistaken. There was really nothing for Kirkwood to do but to go ahead.

The merchant seaman of these latter days has to pay such a strict attention to business, that he has no time whatever for extraneous musings.

"No doubt," said Sakr-el-Bahr, scarce heeding him, heeding indeed little in this world but his longings to look upon Penarrow. "Why, then, my lord, shall I take fifty True-Believers and make a raid upon them? It were an easy task, all unsuspicious as they must be of our presence." Sakr-el-Bahr came out of his musings.

As I sat and pulled silently upwards, life was entirely changing for me. Old thoughts, old passions, old aims and musings slipped from me and swept off my soul as the darkening river swept down into further night. "Streatley! So soon! We are in time, then." Humbly my heart thanked her for those words, "So soon." I gave her my hand to help her ashore, and, as I did so, said "You will forgive me?"