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"I begin to understand matters," rejoined the invalid, musingly. "Ay, ay, it opens on me; and I now see how it was you made such fair weather with Madam Budd and pretty, pretty Rose. Rose is pretty, Jack; you must admit that, though you be a woman." "Rose is pretty I do admit it; and what is better, Rose is good."

"You have seen the announcement in the newspapers to-day!" said Lady Corisande. "I think, if they were certain of their prey, they would be more reserved," said Theodora. "There is something in that," said Lady Corisande, musingly. "You know not what a relief it is to me to speak to you on this matter.

"George," said Professor Pludder one day, addressing the President, with more emotion than was often to be detected in his voice, "would you like to know what is beneath us now?" "What is it, Abiel?" "Our boyhood home Wichita." The President bowed his head upon his hands and groaned. "Yes," continued Professor Pludder musingly, "there it lies, three thousand feet deep.

The horseman was in the valley of the Vaucluse; and before his eye lay the garden and the house of PETRARCH! Carelessly, however, his eye scanned the consecrated spot; and unconsciously it rested, for a moment, upon a solitary figure seated musingly by the margin of the river. A large dog at the side of the noonday idler barked at the horseman as he rode on.

"After whom?" inquired Tom, in some surprise, looking up from a letter he was writing. "Your friend and future wife, Mary Nestor," answered Ned. "I'm sure she'd appreciate it." "That isn't such a bad idea," conceded Tom musingly. "The only thing about it is that I don't want Mary's name bandied about that way." "Use her initials, then," suggested Ned. "How do you mean

Bathsheba had begun to know what suffering was, and she spoke with real feeling.... "Send across to Mr. Boldwood's, and say that Mrs. Troy will take upon herself the duty of fetching an old servant of the family.... We ought not to put her in a waggon; we'll get a hearse." "There will hardly be time, ma'am, will there?" "Perhaps not." she said, musingly.

Ellis, did you know Tom was in the hotel?" Ellis was looking across the sound, at the lights of a distant steamer which was making her way toward the harbor. "I wonder," he said musingly, as though he had not heard her question, "if that is the Ocean Belle?" "And was he really sick?" she demanded. "She's later than usual this trip," continued Ellis, pursuing his thought.

"All that he said was quite true," said her husband, defiantly. "The only thing is, he didn't tell the arf of it. Altogether, I married three dusky maidens." Everybody but Mr. Thompson shuddered with horror. "Then I married a white girl in Australia," pursued Mr. Boxer, musingly. "I wonder old Silver didn't see that in the bowl; not arf a fortune- teller, I call 'im."

It may be," she went on, musingly, "that she is some other Mrs. Montague; but no it could hardly be possible that there are two persons with that peculiar combination of names. This, then, is the woman for whom my father deserted my mother in order to secure the fortune left by his aunt! How unworthy! how contemptible!

"I certainly am better," he said, "and what's more, I've got a strange feeling it was that drink of water you gave me yesterday that has done it. I'm coming up to have some more of it in the evening, if you'll give it me." "As much of it as you can drink, Hector, anyhow," said Willie. "You won't drink my cow dry." "I wonder if it could be the water," said Hector, musingly.