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And if in the dust and darkness thou pass by Lo and Mush and the pleasant temple of Kynash, or Sheenath with his opal smile, or Sho with his eyes of agate, yet Shilo and Mynarthitep, Gazo and Amurund and Slig are still before thee and the priests of their temples will not forget to call thee.

"O dear me, I wish we ever had anything, Polly Pepper, but mush and molasses for breakfast!" "Some people don't have anything half as good," said Polly, starting for the stairs. "What don't they have?" asked Joel in alarm, as he watched her go. "Oh, I don't know; different things. Da-vid!" she called.

My brain seemed to turn to mush. Impossible for me to get up any interest in business. "So I got passed along from one to another. Naturally, they thought I was no good. I thought so, too. A dog's life! Their wives, that was worse. All regular rich men's wives, crazy about society and all that, and having things better than the neighbours. Do you understand what I mean?" "No," Bela confessed.

If it is, it has been amply nourished by many centuries of persecution. Left to her own resources, my mother strove to support herself and me by peddling pea mush or doing odds and ends of jobs. She had to struggle hard for our scanty livelihood and her trials and loneliness came home to me at an early period.

I had come for their votes, and if they didn't watch mighty close I'd get them too. But the worst of all was, that I could not tell them anything about Government. I tried to speak about something, and I cared very little what, until I choked up as bad as if my mouth had been jamm'd and cramm'd chock-full of dry mush.

Boiled in water it formed a dish called mush, which when eaten with milk, honey or butter, presented truly a delicious repast for hungry mouths. Mixed with cold water, it was ready to be baked. When covered with hot ashes, it emerged smoking from the glowing embers in the form of Ash Cake.

Breakfast: oatmeal, fried corn mush with molasses, milk. Luncheon: for Billy: cold biscuits, two hard-boiled eggs, cheese, rice; for Dick and me: German toast. Dinner: baked beans, hot biscuits. Sunday. Breakfast: baked beans, graham muffins. Dinner: boiled potatoes, pork scraps, canned corn, corn cake, bread pudding. A word about that bread pudding.

While fried food is, as a rule, not good at breakfast for any save one who has hard manual labor or physical exercise to perform, an exception may be made of fried mush and fried eggs, because their base is so nutritious that the heated fat can do little to impair their digestibility, while it certainly whets the appetite before eating, and pleases the palate when the food is in the mouth.

These rolls may be eaten warmed over. Mush Rolls, without Milk or Eggs.

The Cows is also frequently dried in the Sun and pounded afterwards and used in thickening Supe and Makeing Mush.