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Brit. Mus., Add. Kitts. MSS., A. 347, f. 36. According to Dutertre's version, Watts had scarcely forsaken the island when Deschamps arrived in the Road, and found that the French inhabitants had already made themselves masters of the colony and had substituted the French for the English standard.

Dere's a nice settlemen' of cullud folks ober dere, an' I wants yer to come an' bring dat young lady. I wants dem folks to see wat nice folks I kin bring to de meetin'. I hope's yer didn't lose all your 'ligion in de army." "Oh, I hope not," replied Robert. "Oh, chile, yer mus' be shore 'bout dat. I don't want yer to ride hope's hoss down to torment.

"Strange talk, mam," he said; "these yere ole ears been more used to, 'git up thar, yer lazy nigger, this yere cottin mus be got into de market." He proved a valuable acquisition to my father, and before this month of February, whose beginning brought him to us, had passed, father said to mother: "I hardly see how I could get on without Matthias. He is so trusty, and he is smart too.

"Come, Ratto, you must pluck up a little courage, and show yourself worthy of the race of Mus! There is never any use in meeting misfortune half way. To be caught, killed, and put into a pie, is, I grant it, a serious evil; to be always afraid of being so is another.

The martyr's countenance changed. "Ye never done me right 'bout that thar mine, Birt Dicey," Nate said reproachfully. "Ye mus' hev knowed from the fust ez them thar rocks war good fur nuthin'."

Trembling and weeping she awoke in the dawn, and the strange pain that had tortured her so much and that she had called hunger and sought to assuage with scraps from the plates that came to the sink at Maverick's became articulate at last. With her hands clasped hard against her breast she found relief in words. "I gotta be somebody," sobbed the child. "I mus' be famous, I mus'!"

"Dat hanging of Haman," he answered. He nodded to himself. Then he took to gazing into the fire. His lips moved as though talking to himself, and the hand that held the pipe lay forgotten on his knee. "What have you to do with Haman?" she asked slowly, her eyes burning. "I want safe him I mus' give him free." He tapped his breast. "It is hereto mak' him free." He still tapped his breast.

W'y! Yeas! Yeas! De de de dey done gone! "'Gone where? asked Jennie. "'Dey done gone on de road, missus. I jes' tell you-uns dey's Sesh in heah. 'Spec dey got dem, dey eat dem for dey dinner. Dey got dem, sho. "'Well, what about the "Sesh," as you call them? "'O, I tole you all 'bout dem. 'Pore de Laud, I mus' rest fust. I is powerful tired, missis I is.

"Might depend on what was in it," the Texan replied promptly. "Well, these were—" Anse took up the top book. His finger traced each word as he read. "The Three MusMusketeers. Whatever kinda critter is that?" "A soldier. They used to have them over in France a long time ago." "Army manual, eh? Maybe so the trunk was an army cache—" Drew shook his head. "No, this is just a story.

Den she say, she say: 'You run all de way an' fin' dat young man, she say, s' she, 'an' if you don' git dah fo' he leave, er don' stop him on de way, den God 'imighty fergive you! she say. 'But you tell him f'um Jane Tanberry not to come nigh dis house or dis gyahden dis night! Tell him dat Jane Tanberry warn him he mus' keep outer Carewe's way ontel he safe on de boat to-morrer.