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So I awoke, and mus'd awhile, and then Soon as my sleep, my dream return'd again; Wherein I saw upon one stalk there stood Seven ears of corn, exceeding rank and good: Then seven others, with the east wind blasted, And withered, came up, and quickly wasted The seven good ears, and quite devoured them.

This may be mockery, but after she has let Thyreus kiss her she goes on: 'Your Caesar's father oft, When he hath mus'd of taking kingdoms in, Bestow'd his lips on that unworthy place, As it rain'd kisses. She reminds herself of this, fresh from Antony, who had just told her of Octavius's offer to protect her if she would give up the 'grizled head' of her lover. After Antony's death she finds

So Pharaoh 'woke, and mus'd awhile, and then Soon as his sleep his dream returned again: Wherein he saw upon one stalk there stood Seven ears of corn exceeding rank and good, And seven others, with the east wind blasted, And withered, sprang up, and quickly wasted The seven good ears, and quite devour'd them: And Pharaoh 'woke, and lo, it was a dream.

Pensive, at eve, on the hard world I mus'd, And my poor heart was sad: so at the moon I gazed, and sigh'd, and sigh'd! for ah! how soon Eve darkens into night! Mine eye perus'd With tearful vacancy the dampy grass, Which wept and glitter'd in the paly ray: And I did pause me on my lonely way, And muse me on those wretched ones, who pass O'er the black heath of sorrow. But alas!

The second edition of her poems, published after her death, held an apology found among her papers, for the uncompleted state of this monarchy, in which she wrote: To finish what's begun was my intent, My thoughts and my endeavors thereto bent; Essays I many made but still gave out, The more I mus'd, the more I was in doubt: The subject large my mind and body weak, With many more discouragements did speak.