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Gentlemen, this must be reformed, or Ireland will not be a land to live in; at least, if we do live there, we must import all our murders, that's clear." Toad-in-the-hole sat down growling with suppressed wrath, and the universal "Hear, hear!" sufficiently showed that he spoke the general feeling. The next toast was "The sublime epoch of Burkism and Harism!"

"It was in this room, then," continued Brett, "that the murders took place?" "Yes; I suppose that must be so," said the inspector. "But my friend here," pointing to Inspector Sharpe, "can tell that part of the story better than I can." They passed into the inner rooms, which were quite silent and deserted, and presented a strange appearance considering the character of the house and its locality.

It is probable that we have all three committed murders and hidden bodies. It is pretty certain that we have all desperately wanted to cry out, and have had no voice; that we have all gone to the play and not been able to get in; that we have all dreamed much more of our youth than of our later lives; that I have lost it! The thread's broken. And up I go.

Murders for old grudges, and murders for pelf, proceed under any cloak that will best cover for the occasion. These causes amply account for what has occurred in Missouri, without ascribing it to the weakness or wickedness of any general.

She begged so hard for her life that he relented; so he left her in the wild tangle of mountains while he raided on the Mexican settlements. He came back with horses and powder and lead. This last was in Winchester bullets, which he melted up and recast into .50-calibre balls made in moulds of cactus sticks. He did not tell how many murders he had committed during these raids, but doubtless many.

But Paterculus wrote as the servant of Tiberius, and had been the servant of Augustus. It was his object to tell the story as much in favor of Augustus as it could be told. It is said that, debating among themselves the murders which each desired for his own security, young Cæsar, on the third day only, gave up Cicero to the vengeance of Antony. It may have been so.

Had these slimy walls a tongue, what stories they might reveal of crime and suffering, of tortures nobly undergone, of death prolonged through dragging years and murders that will not "out" until the judgment day. Against that old tower, a quarter of a century ago our countrymen of the Virginius were butchered like sheep.

But almost daily confessions of this sort escape, which at once justify the King, and establish the infamy of the revolutionists. They are reduced to distinguish between those who sanction murders, and those who perpetrated them between the sacrificer of one thousand victims, and that of ten between those who assassinate, and those who only reward the assassin.*

Kilda, according to Martin, held that cows shared the visions of second-sighted milk-maids. Horses are said to shy on the scene of murders. In a case given later the dog shut up in a room full of unexplained noises, yelled and whined. The Rev. J. G. Wood gives a case of a cat which nearly went mad when his mistress saw an apparition.

The story of the murders of Blois the destruction of Guise and his brother the Cardinal, and the subsequent imprisonment of the Archbishop of Lyons, the Cardinal Bourbon, and the Prince de Joinville, now, through the death of his father, become the young Duke of Guise all these events are too familiar in the realms of history, song, romance, and painting, to require more than this slight allusion here.