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He staked their lives and his own life on the throw of loaded dice because he was too cowardly to contemplate the certain loss of the game for himself alone. The sun beat down murderously on the steep, treeless declivity.

On the 11th of August, about midday, two of the crew being engaged aloft, and the others in the bunks, where the arms were stowed, the lieutenant being at the moment pulling a rope which had been recently spliced, was murderously assailed from behind by one of the prisoners, with an axe used for chopping firewood.

It was murderously high, and all things were against him, the long run, the rise of the ground going toward the fence, and the gravel from which he must take off for the jump. "You can do it," said the master. "You got to do it! Go for it, boy. We win or lose together!" He swayed forward, and Satan leaped ahead at full speed, gathering impetus, scattering the gravel on either side.

"The most mysterious case I have ever had anything to do with, sir," he said. The power of speech seemed to desert me. It was unthinkable that Deeping, with whom I had been speaking less than an hour ago, should now be no more; that some malign agency should thus murderously have thrust him into the great borderland.

The South Island colonists mispronounce their beautiful Maori place-names murderously. Even in the North Island the average bushman will speak of the pukatea tree as "bucketeer," and not to call the poro-poro shrub "bull-a-bull" would be considered affectation. There is or was in the archives of the Taranaki Farmers' Club a patriotic song which rises to the notable lines

Over the slopes to the very banks of the creek, into the sandy bed of the stream, and up to the island they hurled their forces, while bullets crashed murderously, and arrows whizzed with deadly swiftness into our little sand-built defence. In the midst of the charge, twice above the din, I caught the clear notes of an artillery bugle. It was dim daylight now.

There was no mistaking the look; Slim was violently, murderously insane! "I'm goin' to get you!" His scream was like a woman's screech. "I've meant to get you all along, and I'm goin' to do it now!" "Drop it, Slim! Drop that ax!" But Slim came on. Instinctively Bruce reached for the heavy, old-fashioned revolver hanging on its nail.

He had been murderously assaulted in his office by Lieutenant Dean. He demanded his immediate arrest and trial. Folsom pleaded with him to withhold it. Every possible amende would be made, but no! Indeed, not until nearly four o'clock could Folsom succeed in the last resort at his disposal.

He stared at me, with his dark, Indian-looking face reddening under the skin, and Paul had not looked at me more murderously the night before when we quarreled aboard the Wavecrest, than his father did now! "Why, sir," said Mr. Downes at last, "this is a most ridiculous thing for you to do. I can write to your mother and I shall. She will demand that I attend her "

The Teutons never think, talk and write in terms of humanity only in terms of Germanity. Do you not begin to see that the Teutons are, in intent, as murderously fanatical about their greatness as the mad Mullah and his followers were about their bigotry? The Germans have been educated to these views since childhood....