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Monsieur Martener then sat down and examined first the bruised and bloody hand which lay outside the bed. "She could not have given these wounds herself," he said. "No; the horrible woman to whom I had the misfortune to trust her was murdering her," said the grandmother. "My poor Pierrette was screaming 'Help! help! I'm dying, enough to touch the heart of an executioner."

We spend our lives in murdering hecatombs of creeping and jumping things, and vehemently slapping our own faces with intent to kill the flying ones that incessantly buzz about one. It is rather a deplorable existence, and reminds me of one of the most unpleasant circles in Dante's "Hell," which I don't think could have been much worse. My father began his work on Monday last with Hamlet.

A squalid, unclean box of unplaned boards, originally prepared as a coffin for a Frenchman who some time before had been condemned to death for murdering the son of Goswyn Meurskens, a Hague tavern-keeper, but pardoned by the Stadholder lay on the scaffold. It was recognized from having been left for a long time, half forgotten, at the public execution-place of the Hague.

Joan Rest is the daughter of Charles Stanmore the man I am accused of murdering. This afternoon I advised her to have some one to live with her a relative. She is sending for the only one she has. It is her aunt, Stanmore's housekeeper the woman I insulted past forgiveness." Not for an instant did Buck's expression change. "Why did you advise that?" he asked.

In fact, he tyrannized over all parts of speech: wrested nouns and verbs from their original shape, till you could hardly recognize their distorted faces; and committed that next worst sin to murdering one's mother, namely, murdering one's mother-tongue, with an abandon that was absolutely fascinating.

"Rage and disappointment, or any other strong feeling," said the woman sharply, with strong puffs at her cigarette, "turns a fool into a wise man for a minute. It would be just like this fool to have a brilliant interval while he dreamed of murdering his clever wife. Then he hit upon a scheme to cheat the detectives. It's easy, if you know how stupid they are, except Dick.

The restored king soon justified his title of Peter the Cruel by a series of sanguinary executions, murdering all of the adherents of his rival on whom he could lay his hands. In this thirst for revenge not even women escaped, and at length he committed an act which aroused the indignation of the whole kingdom. Don Alfonso de Guzman had refused to follow the king into exile.

I'd as lief spend a vacation in the middle of the Sahara Desert." "Oh, the fishing would keep things going," I said. "Fishing! We'd die of ennui before we had a bite. I'd be murdering you at the end of the first week just for some excitement. If you need a rest and you are rather seedy forget all about this Patterson business and plunge into something new.

Sir Joseph Bowley, Baronet and Member of Parliament, was to play a match at skittles real skittles with his tenants! 'Which quite reminds me, said Alderman Cute, 'of the days of old King Hal, stout King Hal, bluff King Hal. Ah! Fine character! 'Very, said Mr. Filer, dryly. 'For marrying women and murdering 'em. Considerably more than the average number of wives by the bye.

When she reached her home she found the whole house in confusion. Her employees had left their work and were in the courtyard. She asked what the matter was. "It is Father Bijard beating his wife; he is as drunk as a fool, and he drove her up the stairs to her room, where he is murdering her. Just listen!" Gervaise flew up the stairs.