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"Yes," said Mun Bun. "We'll make some snow mans ourselves." With the smaller children dragging their sleds and following them, Russ and Rose and Laddie and Vi went back to where they had left Mr. White standing. There he was, very fine and brave-looking with his tall silk hat on his head, his coal-black eyes glistening in the sun, and his row of black buttons also shining.

'I suppose I mun go, she said; 'but I'd sooner face the dead. If she asks me, Philip, what mun I say? 'She'll not ask yo', said he, 'if yo' go about as common. She's never asked yo' all this time, an' if she does, put her on to me.

"I'll cause them to be arrested at once." "Nah, nah that canna be," rejoined Nance "Yo mun bide your time." "What! and allow such miscreants to go at large, and work any malice they please against me and my friends!" replied Nicholas. "Show me where they are, Nance, or I must make you a prisoner." "Nah! yo winna do that, squire," she replied in a tone of good-humoured defiance.

"Why, a Scotch sort of a gentleman, as I said before," returned mine host; "they are all gentle, ye mun know, though they ha' narra shirt to back; but this is a decentish hallion a canny North Briton as e'er cross'd Berwick Bridge I trow he's a dealer in cattle."

Bunker, who did not seem quite so worried now, looked at his wife. "Take the children, if you have time," she said. "At least Rose and Russ. The others are playing in the sand," for that's what they were doing. Vi, Laddie, Margy and Mun Bun were digging in a pile of sand at one end of the yard. "All right, come along, Little Flower, and you, too, Whistler," said Mr.

He leaned over his saddle, questioning the men and thanking them for their gallantry. I thought he looked grayer and older than when he had addressed us. "Who mun that old geezer be, Jock?" asked a Highlander when he had passed. "I dinna ken," said the other Scot. "An' I dinna care." "It's the Commander-in-Chief," I said. "Sir John French." "Eh?" said the younger man, of the 8th Gordons.

"There is a pond not far from Grandpa Ford's house, and when it freezes, as it will when the rain stops, you and the others can go skating." "I can skate a little," announced Russ. "So can I," said Laddie. "Did we bring any skates?" "Yes, we packed some from home," replied his mother. "I want to skate!" exclaimed Mun Bun. "You can have fun sliding, you and Margy," said Rose.

'One Devon man, he says to me, 'don' lave anotherr. We werr six days where we shuld ha' been tu; when we got back to the ship a cruiser had got her for gun-runnin'." "And what has become of Captain Pearse?" Prawle answered, "Zurr, I belave 'e went to China, 'tis onsartin." "He's not dead?" Prawle looked at me with a kind of uneasy anger. "Yu cudden' kell 'en! 'Tis true, mun 'll die zome day.

"Don't be afraid of Bobo," said Russ, running too. "He won't hurt you." "He hurted the goosey-goosey-gander," declared Mun Bun confidently. "He dug his head under the goosey-goosey-gander and flunged him right over on his back." "But he wouldn't hurt you," declared Rose. "No," explained Margy. "Bobo came to help us when the gander wanted to bite our legs.

What are we going to do?" "We'll call for Daddy!" said Mun Bun. When anything happened to Mun Bun or his sister Margy they always called for Daddy or Mother Bunker. The other children did the same thing, though of course Margy and Mun Bun, being the youngest, naturally called the most, just as they were the ones who were most often in trouble that needed a father or a mother to straighten out.