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Out in the shady side yard some of the little Bunkers were playing different games. Mun and Margy were making sand pies, turning them out of clam shells on to a shingle, and letting them dry in the sun. Mun's red balloon floated in the air over the heads of the children, the string tied fast to a peg Russ had driven into the ground.

Like a good boy, Garge waited until the two Spanishers had left the church, and then comed straight down aboard and told me what he'd heard. At first I didn't put very much faith in the yarn, I'll own to't, but that there Garge so pestered and worrited me that at last I let mun have mun's way; and ten minutes afore midnight the Bonaventure was under way and standin' out o' the harbour.

I rode twenty miles for mun yesterday, I did, over beyond Barnstaple; and five year old, Mr. John, it is, if ever five years was; and not a tooth to mun's head, for I looked to that; and smelt all the way home like any apple; and if it don't ate so soft as ever was scald cream, never you call me Thomas Burman." "Humph!" said Jack. "And that's their dinner.

Telling wi' mun, a bit. Oh dear, dear, dear!" "Has he killed him?" cried poor Rose. "No, fegs, no! kecking mun, kecking mun, so hard as ever was futeball! Goodness, Father, who did ever? If a haven't kecked mun right into river, and got on mun's horse and rod away!" And so saying, down she came again. "And now then, my dear life, us be better to goo hoom and get you sommat warm.

"I can't tell; he saith as how he must save mun's money now-a-days; for he've a got a great venture on hand: but what a be he tell'th no man. They call'th mun 'bread and dripping' now, sir, all town over," said the prentice, confidentially, to Amyas. "They do, do they, sirrah!

When he was awakened by Mun's falling out of bed the first thing he called to me was that the ghost had got Mun. I don't understand where the children heard anything about such a thing." "Nor I," said Daddy Bunker. "We mustn't let them get the idea that anything is wrong here at Great Hedge," went on Grandpa Ford. "It might frighten them, though, of course, it is nothing like a ghost.

Well, Mun Bun, we can't get a balloon now, but I can carry you, and that will be pretty nearly the same, won't it?" "I want a balloon," said the little boy again, "but I want you to carry me, too. Can't I have a balloon, Daddy?" and he nestled his tired head down on his father's shoulder. Norah was carrying Margy, but the other little Bunkers could walk. "A balloon, is it?" said Mun's father.

And I've seed mun do what few has; I've seed mun christle like any child." "What cry?" said Amyas. "I shouldn't have thought there was much cry in him." "You think what you like " "Gramfer, gramfer, don't you be rude, now "Let him go on," said Amyas. "I seed mun christle; and, oh dear, how he did put hands on mun's face; and 'Oh, my gentlemen, says he, 'my gentlemen!

Bunker and Norah hurried down to the brook that ran through the green meadow. It was just like the time they ran when Rose called them about Mun's balloon. "Did you see anything happen, Russ?" asked his mother. "No'm, I didn't," he answered. "I was making a box to take some of my things to Grandma Bell's, and I heard Vi yell and Laddie asking a riddle." "Asking a riddle?"

Bunker, who had come home to lunch, and who had heard all about Mun's balloon. "I'll give you a riddle, Laddie. Why does our horse eat oats?" "Wait a minute! Don't tell me!" cried the little boy. "Let me guess!" He thought hard for a few seconds, and then gave as his answer: "Because he can't get hay." "No, that isn't it," said Mr. Bunker.