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I see you wandering where the Cam steals its way through those noble gardens; and, confusing you with myself, I recall the old dreams that haunted me when the chiming bells swung over the placid waters. Verum secretumque Mouseion, quam multa dictatis, quam multa invenitis! There at that illustrious college, unless the race has indeed degenerated, you will measure yourself with young giants.

* "O mare, O litus, verum secretumque Movoetov, quam multa dictatis, quam multa invenitis!" "O sea, O shore, true and secret sanctuary of the Muses, how many things ye dictate, how many things ye discover!"

Upon my looking a little dissatisfied at some part of the picture, my attendant informed me that it was against Sir ROGER'S will, and at the earnest request of the gentleman himself, that he was drawn in the habit in which he had saved his master. No. 108. Gratis anhelans, multa agendo nihil agens. PHAEDR. Fab. v. 1. 2. Out of breath to no purpose, and very busy about nothing.

Against the first of these Varro fulminated forth all the shafts of his satire: In eo multa sunt contra dignitatem et naturam immortalium ficta ... quae non modo in hominem, sed etiam quae in contemptissimum hominem cadere possunt. About the second he did not say much, except guardedly to imply that it was not fitted for a popular ceremonial.

Haec et his similia multa ibi scribuntur figmenta, et isti plura inter se narrando componunt, quae hoc loco ventilanda non sunt.

They awoke at daylight rather cold, and found piles of snow upon their blankets, and the lizards and skeletons and imps and tartan shawls deteriorated. The snow had melted on their bodies, and the colors had all run some of them away. Quid multa? we all know how beauties look when the sun breaks on them after a ball. They asked for Jacky. To their great chagrin he was not to be found.

The latter, rashly grasping the spiny fruit, did not get it six inches above the ground, before he let go again, as if it had been the hottest of hot "purtatees." "Och, and what have I done now!" he cried, "I'm jagged all over. There isn't a smooth spot upon it not so much as a shank to take howlt of!" "You takee care, Multa," cautioned Saloo. "You lookee aloff. May be you get jagee in de skull!"

When Solomon commanded Shemei to dwell at Jerusalem, and not to go over the brook Kidron, he had good reason for that which he required; for as P. Martyr noteth, he was a man of the family of the house of Saul, 2 Sam. xv. 5, and hated the kingdom and throne of David, so that relictus liber multa fuisset molitus, vel cum Israelitis, vel cum Palestinis.

It is true, indeed, the fashion prescribed somewhat more than were directly named in the will; however, that they, as heirs-general of their father, had power to make and add certain clauses for public emolument, though not deducible todidem verbis from the letter of the will, or else multa absurda sequerentur.

These were found in abundance in various parts of Italy whenever the vast débris of the ancient magnificence was removed, and were universally admired and prized by popes, cardinals, and princes, and formed the nucleus of great museums. The works of Michael Angelo as a sculptor were not numerous, but in sublimity they have never been surpassed, non multa, sed multum.