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"There's scarcely a day that we haven't spoken of you." "I ought to feel grateful for your remembrance," said Paul, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "But I don't think, Mr. Mudge, you always thought so much of me." Mr. Mudge coughed in some embarrassment, and not thinking of anything in particular to say, said nothing. "I am going to take from you another of your boarders," said Paul.

Goacher discovered that her husband had been a missionary in the service of the Church Missionary Society and had consequently been Low, that he had been returned a little damaged in character; and that resumption of active work was undesirable. Mrs. Mudge had lunch and tea with a friend. When she came back Miss Toller told her what had happened. 'I dare say you'll blame me.

Confused at the unexpected attack she darted wildly away, forgetting the gap in the fence, and raced at random over beds of vegetables, uprooting beets, parsnips, and turnips, while Mr. Mudge, mad with rage, followed close in her tracks, hitting her with the hoe whenever he got a chance. Brindle galloped through the yard, and out at the open gate.

"Perhaps you have been before," said Aunt Lucy, scornfully. "I think I understand, now, why you were unwilling to give me another key. Fortunately there has been nothing there until now to reward your search." "You impudent trollop!" shrieked Mrs. Mudge, furiously.

"They may be of the greatest value, if they are not spoiled by the salt water," observed Mudge. "Your father evidently brought them out to sow in his garden." This encouraged us to pull on still farther; and we picked up three other small cases of different descriptions, and a cask of beer. The mate also got hold of two casks and some cases.

Naggernook and his attendants had been watching our proceedings, and when they saw that we were advancing in the direction of the mound they bolted off, crying out, "Karakul! karakul!" We replied with shouts of laughter. Mudge fired a shot ahead to make them understand that that would clear the way of all foes.

"The whole structure," says Captain Mudge, "was wrought with the rudest kind of implements, and the labour bestowed on it must have been immense. On the floor of the dwelling lay a slab of freestone, 3 feet long and 14 inches thick, in the centre of which was a small pit three quarters of an inch deep, which had been chiselled out.

What had become of his big son, his wife, and small children, we could not make out; but he apparently intended to leave them behind. "Now, lads," said Mudge, "we will store the goods we have brought up, and then make the best of our way down to the camp; but as it would not be safe, I suspect, to leave them without protection, are any of you willing to remain?

It will therefore appear that if the profile of Messrs. Featherstonhaugh and Mudge be correct the lowest gap on the third part of the American line is about as high as the mean elevation of the part of the British line with which it is compared.

As soon as he had satisfied his hunger he rose, and turning to Mudge, "Now, master, I'll thank you to fulfil your promise," he said. "We want as much powder as you can spare, for it's bread and meat to us; and I'll thank you for the knives and the clothes, and some needles and thread. Here, just get a pencil and put down what we want."