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The family of the Sandisons is extinct, the Mysterious Bride appears no more on the Eve of St. Lawrence, and the wicked people of the great muckle village have got a lesson on divine justice written to them in lines of blood.

He stopped his cart and looked at me, like the others. "Ay," said he. "What for?" "It's a great house?" I asked. "Doubtless," says he. "The house is a big muckle house." "Ay," said I, "but the folk that are in it?" "Folk?" cried he. "Are ye daft? There's nae folk there to call folk." "What?" say I; "not Mr. Ebenezer?"

Jarvie and me in this general acquittance; but the Bailie, disregarding an intimation from the landlady to "make as muckle of the Inglishers as we could, for they were sure to gie us plague eneugh," went into a formal accounting respecting our share of the reckoning, and paid it accordingly. The Captain took the opportunity to make us some slight apology for detaining us.

"And sae am I, Mr Henry," answered Cuddie, "baith for mysell and you; but neither of our sorrows will do muckle gude that I can see.

"But it's a pity ye're not better at the geography. How many islands have we in Orkney? Can you tell me that?" "Seventy-two twenty-eight islands and forty-four holms." "And can ye name them all, the twenty-eight islands?" "Yes, the dominie taught us them last Martinmas;" and I proceeded to name them, from the North Ronaldsay down to the Muckle Skerry of Pentland.

And the Laird was three years married without having a family; and he was sae left to himsell, that it was thought he held ower muckle troking and communing wi' that Meg Merrilies, wha was the maist notorious witch in a' Galloway and Dumfries-shire baith. 'Aweel, I wot there's something in that, said Mrs. Mac-Candlish; 'I've kenn'd him order her twa glasses o' brandy in this very house.

"Hear, hear," put in Watty as uswal; an' Bandy added, "It has muckle need, as my nose can tell ye." "What d'ye think o' a midden i' the very middle o' your toon?" Sandy gaed on. "I paws for an answer," he said in a gravedigger's kind o' a voice.

You can say what ye like aboot me lies, sneers, snash and I'll say naethin'. I dinna ask ye to respect me; I think ye might do sae muckle by her, puir lass. She never harmed ye. Gin ye canna let her bide in peace where she lies doon yonder" he waved in the direction of the churchyard "ye'll no come on ma land. Though she is dead she's mine."

"STAN' BACK, YE MUCKLE SLABBER!" said Jess, suddenly and emphatically, in a voice that could have been heard a hundred yards away. Speckly was pushing sideways against her as if to crowd her off her stool. "Say ye sae, Ebie?" she added, as if she had not previously spoken, in the low even voice in which she had spoken from the first, and which could be heard by Ebie alone.

I dinna ken, I think I laughed heartier then than what I do now, though maybe no just sae muckle." "And who was Gentle George?" said Jeanie, endeavouring to bring her back to her story.