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"A'most there now," said the waggoner "'Ere's a bit o' Lunnon a'ready! dirt an' muck and muddle! Where man do make a mess o' things 'e makes a mess all round! Spoils everything 'e can lay 'is 'ands on!" The approaches to the railway were certainly not attractive no railway approaches ever are.

Like a wheel he went around upon his heel, wishing himself in the nearest large city, and the slippers mounted into the air, ran with the speed of the wind through the clouds, and before Little Muck knew what to make of it, he found himself in a large market-place, where many stalls were erected, and innumerable men were busily running to and fro.

"I was a sensation until I lost interest in beating and stirring up such muck, and none of it has anything to do with turning forty," he told himself, but he knew that it was and was not true.

Peggotty went out to wash himself in a kettleful of hot water, remarking that 'cold would never get his muck off'. He soon returned, greatly improved in appearance; but so rubicund, that I couldn't help thinking his face had this in common with the lobsters, crabs, and crawfish, that it went into the hot water very black, and came out very red.

Only the dead things remained, the things that were not flesh and nerves and sensitiveness, the sand and muck and gravel, the stretching flats, the mountains, the river itself, freezing and breaking, year by year, down all the years. When all was said and done, it was a scurvy game. The dice were loaded. Those that died did not win, and all died. Who won?

"I gave him the following, which he agreed was 'admirable sense, I certainly think the words would never have come together except in this way: I quartz pyx who fling muck beds. I long thought that no human being could say this under any circumstances. At last I happened to be reading a religious writer, as he thought himself, who threw aspersions on his opponents thick and threefold.

This ice was used for refrigerator purposes and for McClintock's evening peg. Ruth with Rollo as her guide explored the island. In the heart of the jungle the dog had his private muck baths. Into one of these he waded and rolled and rolled, despite her commands.

So she staid. Well, 'tis dreadful hot, Mrs. Newt. I'm all in a muck. As I was a-puttin' on my coat, I sez, Now, ma, sez I, I hate to wear that coat, sez I. A man does git so nasty sweaty in a great, thick coat, sez I. Whew! I'm all sticky." And Mr. Van Boozenberg worked himself in his garments and stretched his arms to refresh himself. Mrs.

I don't like to stand around this place and just look at water in a 'ole." They turned for the mouth of the tunnel, sliding along in the greasy muck, the torch extinguished now. A moment of watchfulness from the cover of the darkness, then Harry pointed. On the opposite hill, the figure of a man had been outlined for just a second. Then he had faded.

It is held, That valour is the chiefest virtue, and Most dignifies the haver: IF IT BE, The man I speak of cannot in the world Be singly counterpois'd. Com. Men. First Sen. He cannot but with measure fit the honours Which we devise him. Com. Our spoils he kicked at; And look'd upon things precious, as they were The common muck o' the world. Men. HE'S RIGHT NOBLE; Let him be call'd for. First Sen.