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How the chauffeur managed to save the car was a miracle, but he brought it to a stop beside the road, where the two were found gasping, a quarter of an hour later, by a passing motorist, who rushed them to a doctor, who had them transferred to the hospital in the city. Neither of them seemed able or willing to throw any light on what had happened.

Miss Abigail and Miss Molly were silent in their rusty black, Miss Molly's soft eyes red with restrained tears, Miss Abigail's face like a flint. "A pretty place, this village is," said the motorist to the minister. "I have visited the Ellerys here. Really charming in summer time so utterly deserted and peaceful." He looked out of the window speculatively.

You, as a skilled motorist, understand that a car is of the feminine gender. Like any other charming demoiselle, it demands the exercise of tact it yields willingly to gentle handling " Medenham cut short the Count's neatly turned phrases. "Simmonds has no need to avail himself of your courtesy," he said.

Though Edinburgh has unusually broad and well paved streets, it is a trying place for a motorist. The people make little effort to keep to the sidewalk, but let the fellow who is driving the car do the looking out for them. In no city through which we passed did I find greater care necessary.

Richard the Third of England must have given just such a glance at his last horse foundered on Bosworth Field. Medenham never passed another motorist in trouble without stopping. "Anything the matter?" he asked, when the Mercury was halted with the ease of a trained athlete poised in suspended motion. "Everything!" The chauffeur snapped out the word without turning.

It was at this point that she gave up being a motorist and retired to the house. In their new intimacy he was more communicative about his practise; he informed her, with the invariable warning not to tell, that Mrs. Sunderquist had another baby coming, that the "hired girl at Howland's was in trouble."

Twenty minutes later he was robbing a lonely motorist midway between Thame and Aylesbury. Then for forty minutes he appeared to have been idle, his next two exploits taking place within five minutes of each other, just after ten, in the neighbourhood of Amersham. King's Langley was the scene of his next adventure, the time given being about a quarter of an hour before he had overtaken us.

But Georges replied, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, and no other could ever have been considered: "Aviator." This reply was surprising. What could have led him to a determination apparently so sudden? "That is not a career," he was told. "Aviation is still only a sport. You travel in the air as a motorist rides on the highways.

But a glance at his watch made him forget the Barto incident in a heart-warming thrill of admiration the joy of a skilled motorist recognizing kindred skill in another. The thirty miles from the city had been made in something under fifty minutes.

And so, heralded, like the Lady Godiva, the trembling motorist went forth, while the streets immediately became as empty as those of Coventry, with rows of peeping Toms, safe inside their fences, jeering at the unhappy man's uneven progress. He whizzed past Helen at a terrible speed, grazing the side-walk and giving her almost as great a fright as he got himself, and went whirring up the hill.