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I joined the 'Mormon' Church in Chicago, but I was converted in Utah." "You have been to Utah, then?" "O, yes; I spent some time there and got very well acquainted with the people; and they are a good people, I tell you, sir. I know " "Yes, well, Mr. , Lucy did tell me your name, but I have forgotten it." "My name is Lawrence Chester Lawrence."

"Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church and its prophet, was born in Vermont, in 1805, of obscure parentage. His early education was extremely limited. When he first began to act the prophet, he was ignorant of almost everything which pertained to science; but he made up in natural cunning for many deficiencies of education.

If Elijah hadn't found me, I'd have died of the cold up there on the mountainside." "I was riding over to Lost Trail for news," explained Elijah. "You were riding for God, I'd say," cried Mr. Fowler. "And if I'd been a Mormon bishop I couldn't have been made more welcome than I have been here." "A preacher's a preacher," said Elijah. "Well, Douglas, what's next on your program?"

My studying has been no more than is expected of every 'Mormon. Every member of our Church is supposed to be able to give a reason for the hope that is within him, and I think I can do that." "Do you live in Utah?" "No, sir; my home is in Chicago." "Chicago! well, I are there 'Mormons' in Chicago?" "A few, as I suppose there are a few in Kansas City.

Fay had few playmates, for among the Gentile children there were none near her age, and the Mormon children were forbidden to play with her. So she was a shy, wild, lonely child. "Muvver's sick," said Fay, leading Jane toward the door of the hut. Jane went in. There was only one room, rather dark and bare, but it was clean and neat. A woman lay upon a bed. "Mrs.

Apostle John Henry Smith testified that one-third of the population of Idaho was Mormon and one-fourth of the population of Wyoming, and that there were large settlements in Nevada, Colorado, California, Arizona and the surrounding states and territories.

With his usual social insight, Herchmer indicates that the Mormon settlement in southern Alberta, with its possible polygamy, will be the better of some oversight in the interests of British law. This latter was a wise decision, and led at least to the practical abandonment of a doctrine that had brought much odium upon that sect.

So cheerful and energetic was she that she appeared to her pupils and acquaintance as a radiant being, and received the most genuine honour and affection from the Mormon settlement in Quincy. With the jubilant Saints at Quincy the prophet could not remain long. He journeyed up the banks of the Mississippi.

The one policy that President Taft seems to have accepted unimpaired from his predecessor is this same respect for the power of the Mormon kingdom.

This group of children of all ages and sizes and there was even one lone "nigger" in it we were to pass through the gate by declaring that we were the mayor's children. "Great heavens!" cried the ticket man, appalled at the sight, "How many blame children has the mayor of the town got? Is he a Mormon, anyway, or what? An' how about that one?" pointing to the darky. Father was standing near.