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The baboons had killed Meriem and stripped this clothing from her body. Morison shuddered. He was about to call aloud in the hope that after all the girl still lived when he saw her in a tree close beside that was occupied by the baboons, and now he saw that they were snarling and jabbering at her. To his amazement he saw the girl swing, ape-like, into the tree below the huge beasts.

Looking at her and listening to her the man beside her could not believe that depravity of any sort or degree entered into the girl's nature, yet he wanted to believe that she had not been virtuous, for otherwise his task was less a sinecure the Hon. Morison was not entirely without conscience. For several days the Hon. Morison made no appreciable progress toward the consummation of his scheme.

However, she has her ancestors safe in their graves so that they can't escape her." Mrs. Staggchase smiled good-naturedly at the little fling at her own family pretensions. "You are wicked this morning, Fred," was her reply. "Elsie is something of a sport on the ancestral tree; but she is worth visiting. Berenice Morison is going down there sometime soon.

Marjory's coming." "I meant to skate all day, and mother gave me some sandwiches." "Sandwiches are but poor comfort on a cold day, Master Morison," said Mrs. Shaw. "I should be proud if the young ladies and you would have your dinner here that is," she added, "if you don't mind having it in the kitchen. The parlour fire isn't lighted yet. I can send a message down to Braeside if you will stay."

But the thing that baffled them all was her instant consciousness of the presence of carnivora that others, exerting their faculties to the utmost, could neither see nor hear. The Hon. Morison Baynes found Meriem a most beautiful and charming companion. He was delighted with her from the first.

Morison Baynes did not fully realize the change that had taken place within him. Had one suggested that he ever had been aught than the soul of honor and chivalry he would have taken umbrage forthwith.

Through this dark place, where it was impossible for any number of men to act together, the army must necessarily march; and therefore Captain Morison, who commanded a company of rangers, well acquainted with the woods, had orders to advance and scour the thicket.

Wilson thinks, to be able to tell those men that their situation is not changed by the death of Mrs. Frostwinch, which is almost sure to take place before the convention. You must explain that to Miss Morison." "The obligation which she is under to you," the Father said, ignoring the exclamation, "will naturally incline her to listen." "But I cannot"

Morison. "My dear old friend, I wish I could believe you are as glad to see me as I am to see you." Berenice in the mean time gave her hand to Maurice graciously, but with a certain grave courtesy which he felt to put them upon a purely ceremonious footing. "It is kind of you to come," she said. "Grandmother will be glad to see you."

Staggchase, but it was impossible to judge from her expression whether she approved or disapproved of what he had done. He was suddenly abashed, and stood speechless before the rising tide of outraged remonstrance. Then unexpectedly came from behind him the clear voice of Miss Morison.