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Still, it oughter been done, even with cowboys, if we were more'n half civilised. Nothin' like havin' things down on the record straight and shipshape. Now some o' you fellows help me in with the body, and Mike'll panel his jury in three shakes." There is nothing like an energetic public-spirited man for reducing chaos to order.

"I must say I can't a-bear to hear anything about ghosts after sundown," observed Mrs. Jake, who was at times somewhat troubled by what she and her friends designated as "narves." "Day-times I don't believe in 'em 'less it's something creepy more'n common, but after dark it scares me to pieces. I do' know but I shall be afeared to go home," and she laughed uneasily.

The bull pup which they had seen upon the day before bolted from its hiding-place, and scuttled snarling from the room. "It wants to get at Eliza," said the youth, in a confidential whisper. "Master says she would give him more'n he brought." He smiled affably at the two little stiff black figures, and departed in search of his mistress. "What what did he say?" gasped Bertha.

"Well, it was this-a-way," the old man explained. "They sneaked up on the house in the dark and got the drop on us. Right here I rise to remark that never no more will I separate myself from my six-shooter. More'n one good man has got hisself killed just because his gun wasn't where it oughter be when he needed it. Of course, we put up the best scrap we could, but we didn't have no chance, Gordon.

More'n likely 'twas the old cap'n got hurt but that ain't nothin'. Why, them hospitals is all chuck full o' smash-up folks, an' it's jest meat fer them doctor-fellers to mend 'em again. He ain't dead, an' don't you believe it; but dead or alive we'll find him 'fore dark. "Fer onct," continued Billy, "the parson's showed some sense.

"I don't care where you get it, but you've got to get it and hand it over to me to-morrow, or it'll be too late, an' Gridley'll be too hot a place for 'ye!" "I'll try," agreed Ripley, weakly. "Ye'll do more'n try, 'cause if ye fail me ye'll have no further show," declared Tip, with emphasis. "See, here, Scammon, if I can find another five -somehow -that'll be the last of this business?

Seems queer the war in Europe should be the means of getting up a fair in Brookville, but I guess it'll get up more'n that before they're through fighting."

He wuz jest like the rest of them millionaires, a first-rate lookin' and actin' creeter when you git down to the real man, but run away with by Ambition and Greed, a span that will take the bits in their mouth and dash off and carry any one further than they mean to be carried. He didn't say so right out but he kinder gin me to understand that I'd convinced him more'n a little.

"I'm going away," the boy said, in a rather mournful tone. "I hate to have you go. I just love to know you're here, if I don't see you. Only I wish you was older and knew more." "Maybe I know more'n you think I do," he answered. "But you don't know anything about my troubles," said she, with a sigh. "I don't get the chance." There was half a moment of silence.

"Wal, rather more than that," answered the squire, slowly. "You pay him ten dollars a month, don't you?" "Wal, somewheres about that; but it's more'n he earns." "If he is worth ten dollars, Harry would be worth four or six." "I'll give three," said the squire, who reflected that even at that rate he would be saving considerable. "I will leave it to Harry himself," said his father.