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There exists a sort of analogy between celebrated men and celebrated places; it was not, therefore, an uninteresting spectacle to see Bonaparte surveying the field of Morat, where, in 1476, Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, daring like himself, fell with his powerful army under the effects of Helvetian valour.

Effect of the 18th Fructidor on the peace The standard of the army of Italy Honours rendered to the memory of General Hoche and of Virgil at Mantua Remarkable letter In passing through Switzerland Bonaparte visits the field of Morat Arrival at Rastadt Letter from the Directory calling Bonaparte to Paris Intrigues against Josephine Grand ceremony on the reception of Bonaparte by the Directory The theatres Modesty of Bonaparte An assassination Bonaparte's opinion of the Parisians His election to the National Institute Letter to Camus Projects Reflections.

But it was the following comic adventure which made me spend the night at Morat: I found at the inn a young maid who spoke a sort of rustic Italian. She struck me by her great likeness to my fair stocking-seller at Paris. She was called Raton, a name which my memory has happily preserved.

The lakes of Neuchatel, Bienne, and Morat, in Switzerland, have been connected and the common level of all of them lowered about four feet. Another still less obvious consequence of the withdrawal of the waters has occasionally been observed in these operations.

Effect of the 18th Fructidor on the peace The standard of the army of Italy Honours rendered to the memory of General Hoche and of Virgil at Mantua Remarkable letter In passing through Switzerland Bonaparte visits the field of Morat Arrival at Rastadt Letter from the Directory calling Bonaparte to Paris Intrigues against Josephine Grand ceremony on the reception of Bonaparte by the Directory The theatres Modesty of Bonaparte An assassination Bonaparte's opinion of the Parisians His election to the National Institute Letter to Camus Projects Reflections.

The next year the Duke once more flung his reckless valor against the strength of the Swiss infantry, and barely escaped from an utter defeat at Morat. Made desperate by misfortune, he risked another battle near Nanci, in 1477, at the head of an inferior force, composed partly of treacherous mercenaries, and was vanquished and slain.

I am Ignatius Morat, of the Society of Jesus, and as to the people who have used me a little roughly, why, if you are sent upon the Iroquois mission, of course you know what to expect. I have nothing at all to complain of. Why, they have used me very much better than they did Father Jogues, Father Breboeuf, and a good many others whom I could mention.

After a short delay, the duke gathered his wrath and his army and laid siege to the town of Morat, announcing his intention to give no quarter, but to kill all, old and young, men, women, and children. The Swiss were prepared for us. "The energy of pride was going to be pitted against the energy of patriotism." Again disaster fell upon Charles.

Arriving once more in the Rhone valley, I proceeded to Viesch, and from thence ascended the Aeggischhorn, on which unpleasant eminence I lost my way in a fog, and my temper shortly afterward. Then, after crossing the Grimsel in a severe thunderstorm, I passed on to Brienz, Interlachen and Berne, and thence to Fribourg and Morat, Neuchâtel, Martigny and the St. Bernard.

JEAN LOUIS RODOLPHE AGASSIZ was born May 28, 1807, at the village of Motier, on the Lake of Morat. His father, Louis Rodolphe Agassiz, was a clergyman; his mother, Rose Mayor, was the daughter of a physician whose home was at Cudrefin, on the shore of the Lake of Neuchatel. The parsonages in Switzerland are frequently pretty and picturesque.