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While she was bathing Bastianello and Teresina sat together behind the bathing-house, but Ruggiero retired respectfully to a distance and busied himself with giving his little boat a final washing, mopping out the water with an old sponge, which he passed again and again over each spot, as though never satisfied with the result.

The driver cracked his whip, and whilst I, happy but exhausted, was mopping my streaming forehead the chaise rattled gaily along the uneven pavements of the great city in the direction of Suresnes. What that fool Rochez was doing I could not definitely ascertain. I looked through the vasistas of the coach, but could see nothing in pursuit of us.

They retired therefore to the quarter-deck, where the whole of the Eskimos men, women, and children assembled to look on at the destruction which they could not now prevent. "This is a great loss," observed Cheenbuk regretfully, as he sat on the after-rail, mopping the perspiration off his blackened face with his sleeve.

O'Gree re-entered the room, and the Swiss retired to his comer. Philip was hot with excitement and bodily exertion; he came in mopping his forehead, and, without turning to Waymark, stood with eyes fixed on the chalk caricatures. Very gradually he turned round. Waymark was watching him, on his face an expression of subdued mirth. Their looks met, and both exploded in laughter.

Russell's stick did all they could towards making peace, but the big dog seemed to have set itself the unkind task of mopping up a puddle with Mr. Russell's Hound. The process took a considerable time. And it was never finished, for the mistress of the house interrupted it.

They had got down into the road, when the little schoolmaster ran up against them almost before he had been seen. "Oh, here you are, are you?" he gasped. "Are they coming?" said Robbie Anderson, jumping on to the turf hedge to get a wider view. "That they are." The little man had dropped down on to a stone, and was mopping his forehead. When he had recovered his breath, he said,

At the same instant with the other hand he crumpled up the paper that lay before him. For an instant he stood glaring. Then astonishment and joy took the place of the ferocity which had convulsed his features a ferocity which had sent her shrinking back in horror as from something which had never before intruded into her gentle life. "It's you!" said he, mopping his brow.

Tom was still mopping his forehead. "You may say anything you like to me, and I shall not take offence." Tom's admiration of her was heightened by this attitude. "Austen wouldn't join Mr. Crewe in his little game, anyway," he said. "When Ham Tooting, Crewe's manager, came to him he kicked him downstairs." Victoria burst out laughing. "I constantly hear of these ferocious deeds which Mr.

At last, half mad with irritation, I set off straight up the side of the nearest mountain, in hopes of attaining a zone too high for them to inhabit; and, poising myself upon its topmost pinnacle, I drew my handkerchief over my head I was already without coat and waistcoat and remained the rest of the morning "mopping and mowing" at the world beneath my feet.

"When a little nipper like that comes " She reddened, paled, burst out crying. "O William! William " Her William kissed her, and dried her tears. He called it mopping her dial, but you have not forgotten that, as the upper house-and-parlour-maid had at first said, both Her and Him were plainly descended from the Lowest Circles. She had melted afterwards, on learning that Mrs.