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Ye dinna get mony o' them. She linked her arm with friendly familiarity into that of Gladys, and began to chatter on again, chiefly of dress, which was dear to her soul. Her talk was not interesting to Gladys, who was singularly free from that feminine weakness, love of fine attire.

An' the next day he came hame frae the funeral wi' a smile upo' the face whaur had been nane for mony a lang; an' the neist Sunday they h'ard him singin' i' the kirk as naebody had ever h'ard him sing afore. An' never frae that time was there a moan or complaint to be h'ard frae the lips o' aither o' the twa.

Ratcliffe was conscience-struck, and could not forbear making an involuntary protest against this classification. "I never shed blood," he replied. "But ye hae sauld it, Ratton ye hae sauld blood mony a time. Folk kill wi' the tongue as weel as wi' the hand wi' the word as weel as wi' the gulley!

Mony a time hae I said concerning him, in the words o' Butler "Latin to him's no more difficil, Than for a blackbird 'tis to whistle." The classics, indeed, were his particular hobby; and, though I was proud o' Sandy, I often wished that I could direct his bent to studies o' greater practical utility.

"Noo, gin a' hed asked him hoo mony fouk wud come tae his beerial, he wud hae said, 'They 'ill be Drumsheugh an' yersel', an' maybe twa or three neeburs besides the minister, an' the fact is that nae man in oor time wud hae sic a githerin' if it werena for the storm.

"Ye're no that far wrang, lass; she minds naething o' what passes the day but set her on auld tales, and she can speak like a prent buke. She kens mair about the Glenallan family than maist folk the gudeman's father was their fisher mony a day.

"How gaes things with the lad at the House?" "Alexander or James?" "The one ye call Alexander." "That is his name." "I think that he's had ithers. That's a lad of mony lives!" Strickland, halting by the rose-bush, looked at Mother Binning. "I suppose we call it 'wisdom' when two feel alike. Now that's just what I feel about Alexander Jardine! It's just feeling without rationality." "Eh?"

Theer's mony a fellow cooms by this way i' th' bad weather to Pen'rth, rather than face Shap fells. They say it's betther walkin'. But when it's varra bad, we doan't let 'em go on noa, it's not safe. Theer was a mon lost on t' fells nine year ago coom February. He wor an owd mon, and blind o' yan eye. He'd lost the toother, dippin' sheep." "How could he do that?"

"God forbid that I suld make sic a vain-glorious speech, when there are sae mony professing Christians!" answered David; "but this I maun say, that all men act according to their gifts and their grace, 'sae that it is nae marvel that " "This is all very fine," interrupted Mr. Middleburgh; "but I have no time to spend in hearing it.

The man's face had taken on a pleased expression when Ralph began with his expostulation, but, as the boy continued, the look changed into one of sadness. "Yes, lad," he said, "an' a guid mither she waur too. She died an' went to heaven it's mony a year sin', but I still min' the sweet way she had wi' me.