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I wish you would step up to Goswell Street, Sam, and arrange about it. 'At once, Sir? inquired Mr. Weller. 'At once, replied Mr. Pickwick. 'And stay, Sam, added Mr. Pickwick, pulling out his purse, 'there is some rent to pay. The quarter is not due till Christmas, but you may pay it, and have done with it. A month's notice terminates my tenancy. Here it is, written out. Give it, and tell Mrs.

"And somehow she thought this was a book-bill from Longstreet's you know how near-sighted she is so she stuck it into her desk until she got her next month's allowance. But to-day she found some money that she'd put in her collar-case for safe-keeping and forgotten about; so she got out the bill to pay it, and it turned out to be a letter from her mother, saying she was coming up tonight.

Maurice and Jean, too, were deeply interested in those details about an enemy whom the girl had seen, and whom they had not succeeded in setting eyes on in their whole month's campaigning, while Honore, pensive and with dry, parched lips, was conscious only of the sound of her voice; he could think of nothing save her and the misfortune that had parted them.

Here they might always have found plenty, and have been within a month's sure sail of the very part of California which the Manilla ship is obliged to make, or else have returned to the coast of America, thoroughly refitted, after an absence of two months.

I trust she may soon caress you, and so make you forget the pain my marriage has occasioned you. My second child was still-born. Obliged to quit Paris by your order, I miscarried in Germany. In a month's time I hope to present you with a nephew.

We know that the sun will rise to-morrow and that for a long time to come it will rise every morning amid the dense clouds or in light mists." Adolphe Meunier entered discreetly on tiptoe. The doctor grasped his hand warmly. "Good day, Monsieur Meunier. We can see next month's new moon.

It was said that Pompey and his sons covered the great earth with their bones, for each one died in a different quarter of the world; but now he would want two more sons for Australia and America, the two new quarters which are now at work ploughing, sowing, reaping, without a month's intermission, growing corn for us.

"I'm only asking you to do me a favour," I went on, and I put a couple of Treasury notes into his hand. "You can inquire about me at my office to-morrow, if you like. They will tell you, I expect, that I have been away on a month's leave." The little palm-oil no doubt propitiated him, for he invited me in.

"I think the union of these two seasons beautiful, with no cold winter intervening," continued Ibarra. "In February the buds on the trees will burst open and in March we'll have the ripe fruit. When the hot month's come we shall go elsewhere." Fray Salvi smiled and began to talk of commonplace things, of the weather, of the town, and of the fiesta.

She recalls that month's experience always with a sense of amusement over the fact that the succession of visitors who came to see the new Settlement invariably questioned her most minutely concerning "these people" without once suspecting that they were talking to one who had been identified with the neighborhood from childhood.