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"Where are the others?" she asked in sudden confusion. "In the supper room probably. Aren't you going to finish this with me?" "Not me. I'm going to dance with Mr. Monte." "Has he asked you?" "No; I'm going to ask him." And she darted away, leaving Mac to follow at his leisure. After supper propriety, which up to now had held slack rein on the carnival spirit, turned her loose.

Marise explained, "Miss Mills is a friend who dates back even before my husband's time, back to our student days in Rome." To Eugenia she said, "You're giving us both away and showing how long ago it is, and how you've forgotten about details. We never could have climbed up Monte Cavo, the day we went to Tivoli. They don't go on the same excursion, at all."

Was it not The Sparrow who had sent him the car with the facetious chauffeur to that spot in Monte Carlo? Perhaps the writer was the White Cavalier! During the morning Hugh strolled down the hill and through the woods with Louise. The latter was dressed in a neat country kit, a tweed suit, a suede tam-o'-shanter, and carried a stout ash-plant as a walking-stick.

Now the matter had passed beyond control, Mary had the impulse to rebel. The wave had got her and was bearing her along. She tried to catch at safety. "But Lord Dauntrey must stay in Monte Carlo till to-morrow. And I have to go to-night," she stammered. "I don't quite see " "You're going alone?" Eve asked. "Yes." "How queer of the Princess Della Robbia to let you do that!" "She doesn't know."

And a friend who loves me begged me not to come to Monte Carlo." "It was Fate brought you to give you to me. Do you regret it?" "I don't regret anything if you don't; because what is past for both of us doesn't feel real. This is the only real part. We were brought to Monte Carlo for this, it seems now." "It seems, and it is."

The girl, laden with the wallets, which she had concealed under her mezzaro, and the young man, carrying a double-barrelled gun, took their way toward the mountain, along a very steep path that did not appear to lead to any dwelling. When they had climbed to one of the lower ridges of the Monte Querico, they halted, and sat down on the grass.

What do you think I'm going to do with myself until then?" "There's all the rest of the world," she suggested. Monte frowned. "Are you going to break our engagement, then?" "It has served its purpose, hasn't it?" she asked. "Up to now," he admitted. "But you say it can't go any farther." "No, Monte."

Fortunately he seemed decidedly impressed with my friend Monsieur Kay I could do no better on the spur of the moment than take Kennedy's initial, which seemed to serve. We progressed amicably from oysters and soup down to coffee, cigars, and liqueurs, and I succeeded in swallowing Kennedy's tales of Monte Carlo and Ostend and Ascot without even a smile.

"Oh, it's beautiful!" she exclaimed enthusiastically. "It's a fairy world." "Better; it's a real world," he answered. "I doubt it, Monte," she disagreed, with a touch of regret. "It's too perfect." It would not last. It would begin to fade in a moment, even as her fairy prince would fade and become just Monte. She knew from the past. Besides, it was absolutely essential that this should not last.

He was already annoyed with himself for having left Monte Carlo, where he had intended to pass the week which remained to him before sailing; but it would now be difficult to return on his steps without an appearance of inconsistency from which his pride recoiled. In his inmost heart he was not sorry to put himself beyond the probability of meeting Miss Bart.