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Four powerful warriors, naked except for the breech clout, were beating incessantly and monotonously upon the Indian drums. The dance itself was called by the Shawnees, Sa-ma-no-o-no, which was the name bestowed upon this nation by the Senecas, although the Iroquois themselves called the dance Wa-ta-seh.

The sounders were clicking monotonously when the trick man turned to the relief operator who was checking Darby's transfer sheet. "What do you suppose Eckstein was up to, sitting here all night, Jim?" "Give it up," said the relief man. "Ask me something easy." "I'll bet a hen worth fifty dollars I can guess. He didn't want Mr. Ford to make time." The relief man looked up from his checking. "Why?

Even all that has happened to me, or may happen to me, wouldn't be punishment enough for that. Now you asked me if you were not my friend? Of course you are not. How could you be?" "It would be easier now than ever before," she said. But he shook his head from side to side, slowly, dully, monotonously. "No, no," he said, "it would not be right, I would not allow it."

The water below them began to move more rapidly. It began to pass by with the speed of ground past an express train. And continually, monotonously, there were roarings which climaxed and died in the distance. "The devil!" said Coburn. "I've got to see this. They can't kill us for looking." He opened the door. Janice, holding fast to his arm, followed as he went down a passage. Another door.

As she crouched in the corner of the room, her face buried in an arm-chair, her gold hair half loosened, her shoulders monotonously heaving, she wept gently, inaudibly, almost happily. Almost happily. Billy was dying, but she knew now, past any doubting, that he loved her.

The little fountain rippled monotonously, and a magnolia flower dropped from one of the trees, falling straight as a plummet through the motionless air, and settling upon the gravelled walk with a faint rustling sound. Otherwise the stillness was profound. A little later, the priest's cigar, long since out, slipped from his fingers to the ground. He began to nod gently. Vanamee touched his arm.

The sound proved to be a quavering and rickety voice, monotonously bleating: "The Lo-ord givuth and the Lo-ord takuth away! We got to remember that; we got to remember that! I'm a-gittin' along, James; I'm a-gittin' along, and I've seen a-many of 'em go two daughters and a son the Lord give me, and He has taken all away. For the Lo-ord givuth and the Lo-ord takuth away!

Who does not already feel that life must have been calm and monotonously regular in this old edifice? It contained a library; but that was placed below the level of the river. The books were well bound and shelved, and the dust, far from injuring them, only made them valuable.

"At fifteen I see her knocked down by a boat-swing; a boy from opposite brings her home." "Passing at the time," murmured Miss Dowson. "His head is done up with sticking-plaster. I see her apprenticed to a dressmaker. I see her " The voice went on monotonously, and Flora, gasping with astonishment, listened to a long recital of the remaining interesting points in her career.

Grave and unostentatious, yet not moody, neither impulsively liberal and generous nor habitually penurious and uncharitable, he led a quiet and monotonously easy life, varied by occasional trips to foreign lands, and comforted by the assurance that his income-tax was one of the heaviest in the state.