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It was like a drug to the senses, alluring, intoxicating, maddeningly sweet. Saltash wandered along with his face to the water on which a myriad coloured lights rocked and swam. And still his features wore that monkeyish look of unrest, of discontent and quizzical irony oddly mingled. He felt the lure, but it was not strong enough. Its influence had lost its potency. He need not have been alone.

It makes us smile to see birds, like the magpie, with a mania for this collecting but only monkeyish beings could reverence museums as we do, and pile such heterogeneous trifles and quantities in them. Old furniture, egg-shells, watches, bits of stone. . . . And next door, a "menagerie."

His monkeyish face was lighted up with a look of more intelligence than usual, which made his ugly features more forbidding and repulsive. His eyes shone with excitement, determination, and reckless courage. His teeth were clenched, and the muscles of his lips drawn over them gave him an expression half laughing, half demoniac.

The suddenness and warmth of her caress had been, I knew, a mere monkeyish trick, designed to vex the religious scruples of Mere Marguerite. I knew not what to say to the stately woman who remained confronting me with downcast eyes and lips that moved dumbly as though in prayer.

With monkeyish antics, she even deems it her duty to threaten the lanterns and shake her fist at these inextricably tangled strings which have the presumption to delay us. It is all very well, but we know this maneuver by heart; and if the old lady loses patience, so do we.

A face, with a certain mocking monkeyish expression, but without any trait of fierceness or ill-nature a nose slightly snub quick scintillating eyes a chin, tipped with a little tuft of clay-coloured beard some half-dozen queue-like tangles, of bright-yellowish hair, hanging down behind the hat the hat itself a black "silk," badly battered such were the salient points of the portrait appearing above the knee-caps of the taller man.