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Preble Key returned to his hotel from the convent, it is to be feared, with very little of that righteous satisfaction which is supposed to follow the performance of a good deed. He was by no means certain that what he had done was best for the young girl. He had only shown himself to her as a worldly monitor of dangers, of which her innocence was providentially unconscious.

Take this wedding-gift, and cherish it as a faithful monitor. Truth is a light that comes to us from Heaven; let us look steadily at it, for evil as well as for good. This is the hour of my trial no great one but still a trial. Let me now look at truth, and learn to bear the revelation it is about to make." She opened the door, and entered her sitting-room.

'It isn't my fault, surely, that Mabel is so ill-tempered and disobedient, and yet you and Arthur just talk to me as if it were. 'And in a great measure, I think, it is your fault, my sister, said the kind monitor. 'Children should be watched from infancy; tenderly cared for in mind as well as body.

He disposed of six doughnuts that forenoon, and as these, if tied together, would have made good chain-shot for the monitor, and yet did not affect him unfavorably, it was proof that Charlie was restored to health. Charlie made a discovery in the barn. In that side toward the river there was a door on the first floor, and there was also a window in the chamber above.

No fencing, said this inward monitor, no circumlocution get to it, straight out. And Stoner thrust his hand into his pocket, and pulled out a copy of the reward bill. He opened it before his employer, watching Mallalieu's face. "That!" he said. "Just that, Mr. Mallalieu." Mallalieu glanced at the handbill, started a little, and looked half-sharply, half-angrily, at his clerk.

In two minutes she was submerged, only the tips of her periscopes showing. "They have their aft guns trained on us and are firing away as fast as they can load and reload," said Jack as he gazed into the tube. "Well, they'll never get us now," exclaimed McClure as the Monitor took in another three hundred pounds of water ballast and dived down out of sight of the German warship.

Where, may we ask, can be that innate and universal monitor in the case of a people, the Somal for instance, who rob like Spartans, holding theft a virtue; who lie like Trojans, without a vestige of appreciation for truth; and who hold the treacherous and cowardly murder of a sleeping guest to be the height of human honour?

The monitor was, indeed, his actual Master the captain of the ship whose orders were inviolable, Farmer Perryman being only the purser from whom he received his pay: a view of the relationship which probably worked to Perryman's great advantage. In short, whatever may have been Snarley's sins or virtues in other directions, "the Shepherd" had little or nothing to do with them.

If the shots of the Monitor glanced harmlessly off of the Merrimac those of the latter were equally ineffective against the Monitor. The latter had the advantage of being so much smaller that many of the shells of the Merrimac missed her altogether.

"You monitor Dowst when he finishes. I want to see what’s happening." He hurried from the chamber and made his way down the corridors toward the engine control room. There was a good possibility he might get a call from O’Brine, with instructions to take his men off the ship. He might finally learn what he was assigned to do!