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Reduced to their most pregnant difference, empiricism means the habit of explaining wholes by parts, and rationalism means the habit of explaining parts by wholes. Rationalism thus preserves affinities with monism, since wholeness goes with union, while empiricism inclines to pluralistic views.

One of the most convincing aspects of the mystic illumination is the apparent revelation of the oneness of all things, giving rise to pantheism in religion and to monism in philosophy.

Haeckel has chosen this word Monism, as opposed to theism, deism, materialism, spiritism. Doctor Paul Carus is today the ablest American exponent of Monism, and to him it is a positive religion. If Monism could make men of the superb mental type of Paul Carus, well might we place the subject on a compulsory basis and introduce it into our public schools.

I've seen him sit all day on a bench and never a bite pass his lips, and in the evening, when I invited him to dinner restaurant two blocks away have him say, 'Too much trouble, old man. Buy me a package of cigarettes instead. He was a Spencerian like you till Kreis turned him to materialistic monism. I'll start him on monism if I can. Norton's another monist only he affirms naught but spirit.

But though there may have been a tendency toward monism in early times, it was only in the Sung dynasty that the philosophers definitely placed behind the yang and the yin a First Cause the Grand Origin, Grand Extreme, Grand Terminus, or Ultimate Ground of Existence. They gave to it the name t'ai chi, and represented it by a concrete sign, the symbol of a circle.

The philosophy in question is intimately related to that Pantheism at some of whose implications we were glancing in our last chapter; if we refer to it here and subsequently by the name of Monism, under which it has of late obtained a considerable vogue in this country, it must be understood that we do not mean what Dr.

In this case the mind takes sides with God as against the world. God is the reality and the world the illusion. The world is God, in spite of appearances to the contrary. As world it has no substantive reality; it has no existence for self. It is the shadow of God, an emanation from Him, or an aspect of Him. Like dualism, monism is only a sham solution of the cosmic problem.

Leave then out of consideration for the moment the authority which mystical insights may be conjectured eventually to possess; treat the problem of the One and the Many in a purely intellectual way; and we see clearly enough where pragmatism stands. With her criterion of the practical differences that theories make, we see that she must equally abjure absolute monism and absolute pluralism.

Let the reader think of Häckel's "Natural History of Creation" and "Anthropogeny," where he will find the most interesting reports from all realms of exact natural science, together with a wholly unsolved entanglement of descent, selection, and mechanical view of the world, and this mode of contemplation of the world, with eloquent and enthusiastic proclamation of monism and with unconcealed derision of the capricious arbitrariness of a personal Creator, all thrown together as one great entire system, formed at one stroke.

He was a voluminous and accomplished writer, his works including Lives of Dugald Stewart and Sir W. Hamilton , Tweed and other Poems , History and Poetry of the Scottish Border , Feeling for Nature in Scottish Poetry , Merlin and other Poems , Border Essays , and Dualism and Monism . Essayist and poet, b. at Salem, Mass., where he became a clergyman and something of a mystic.