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And then I shall know something of vastly more importance! Early Monday morning Mr. Harding took a train for Oak Cliff, where he had an appointment with Mr. Wilson. He made a remark to the effect that his mission pertained more to business than golf. Mr. Wilson is president of the bank through which the "Harding System" transacts most of its financial operations.

"I wish you'd have another," said Jill, greatly disappointed at the loss of the intelligence she seemed to be so near getting. "Floor is too hard for tired bones. Guess I'll go to bed and get rested up for Monday.

French with his attenuated force found so vigorous a resistance on Monday and Tuesday that he was hard put to it to hold his own. Fortunately he had with him three excellent Horse Artillery batteries, G, O, and T, who worked until, at the end of the engagement, they had only twenty rounds in their limbers.

Monday, Miss Lessing asked me to begin a physical culture class with the larger girls who are being trained for teachers, so I decided that the first lesson would be on skipping. It is an unknown art in Japan and the lack of it makes the Kindergarten work very awkward. I took fourteen girls out on the porch and told them by signs and gestures to follow me.

I say, why don't you decide now, Reggie?" "Oh, I guess I can go," stammered Rex. He hated to confess that he must first ask leave. "When can I get back?" he asked. "Oh, by Saturday, or you can stay over till Monday with me if you will. We never do much the first of the term, and I've got plenty of room in my quarters."

"Not yet; we have some young trees, but they are not in bearing." "I should like to send a basket of fruit to your sister, if agreeable to you. Pompey will take it to the tavern Monday morning." "You are very kind. I will take it with pleasure, and you may be sure Rachel will appreciate your goodness."

He had thought, coming home Monday night, that he and she would take a little walk, in the lingering dusk of the cool spring evening, and perhaps see the twelfth installment of "The Stripe-Faced Terror," which was playing in the near-by moving-picture house. But he found her in a new mood, almost awed with an unexpected ecstasy in which he had no part would never have a part.

The gang had, in reality, contrived to raise a general outcry against me. Monday, however, came, too soon for them, and on the hustings I then produced the letter, and offered to read it; but the tumult raised by the party, totally prevented it from being heard. This being the case, I promised to have it printed the next day.

Don't artists get the razz, though. And that Hugo, he'd spend a week in the hot place to save a thin dime. Let me tell you, Countess, don't you ever get your lemon in his squeezer." There were audible murmurs of sympathy from the Countess. "And so the old trouper had to start out Monday morning to peddle the brush.

Monday night, Sept. 4, our party were at Le Sueur Center, and court being in session, we had to sleep on the floor. The hotel was full of lawyers, and they, with the judge and other court attendants, had a high old time that night. Tuesday night we were at Cordova, a little village in Le Sueur county, and Wednesday night in Millersburg, eleven miles west of Northfield.