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He had while still a youth what Coleridge aptly termed "a premature and unnatural dexterity in the combination of words," and this developed into "a power of pouring forth with endless facility perfectly modulated sentences of perfectly chosen language, which as far surpassed the reach of a normal intellect as the feats of an acrobat exceed the capacities of a normal body."

There was a big button on the door. She no sooner discovered it than she put up her hand and tried to turn it. It was tight and made a slight squeak in turning. She stopped but the noise seemed to have no effect upon the evenly modulated tones inside. Cautiously she moved the button again, holding the latch firmly in her other hand lest the door should suddenly fly open.

The words uttered by the little provincial were said in a voice of strange sonorousness, if I may be permitted to borrow that expression from the science of physics. This sudden clearness of intonation, coming from a man who had hitherto scarcely spoken, and then in a low and modulated tone, surprised all present exceedingly.

Of a sudden, the diplomatic man of affairs resumed his gracious, suave bearing; and his voice was agreeably modulated when he spoke: "Gentlemen, it seems to me that we're arguing a great deal, needlessly. Now, you know, both of you, that I always liked old Charley Hamilton. Well, as a matter of fact, I'm delighted to discover that his son here has the same quality of business ability.

No sleep had come to the weary eyes, which now turned so thankfully and trustingly to the benefactor of the outcast. In tones sweetly modulated to the time and state, she commenced reading that comforting psalm, "The Lord is my shepherd." At its close, Margaret was asleep, and Dawn laid back in her chair, rested, and watched till morning.

"Good evening," replied Rene Drucquer, meeting with some hesitation the slow, kindly glance. The Provincial leant forward and took from the tray of the inkstand a quill pen. With the point of it he followed the lines written in the book before him. "I understand," he said, in a modulated and business-like tone, "that you have been entirely successful?" "I believe so."

He was a scholar, and scholar-like, undazzled by diamonds, admired most Her Majesty's reading. In a letter to a friend he wrote: "I was astonished and delighted. Her voice is sweet and finely modulated, and she pronounced every word distinctly, and with a just regard to its meaning.

Miss Anthony's oratory is in keeping with all her belongings, her voice well modulated and musical, her enunciation distinct, her style earnest and impressive, her language pure and unexaggerated. Judging from other friendly notices this must be an accurate description of Miss Anthony at the age of thirty-five.

I don't expect her home until seven. I'm awfully sorry." "Of course, I understand, Mrs. Primrose," Stuart said with a light laugh, "I should have told her but I didn't know until a few moments ago that I was coming." "Nothing serious has happened, I hope?" she asked, with carefully modulated sympathy which said plainly that she hoped for the worst. "No. Just say that I'll call after dinner."

The inhabitants of these islands certainly deserve to be ranked among the most gentle and amiable of nations: no boisterousness attends their conversation, no violent gestures to give effect to the words; on the contrary, their voices are modulated when they are speaking, and their actions, although decided, are gentle. Their mode of salutation is graceful in the extreme.