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The officer's quiet, somewhat mocking tone obviously disconcerted him. He signed to the two sailors to withdraw, then turned to Heideck. "This gentleman is a business friend. And I should like to know what I and my affairs have got to do with you at all. I am here to sell my herrings. I suppose that isn't forbidden?" "Certainly not. But if you have your business, mynheer, I have mine.

When the unfortunate girl, looking round in terror, saw herself exposed to all those insolent, mocking, malicious glances, when she beheld the cynical and coarse grimace on so many ignoble and filthy countenances, she trembled in all her limbs, and became fearfully pale.

Alice threw a mocking look at her sister. "Who said that Oxford didn't care about titles? When did any of those people ever take any notice of us?" "It isn't titles it's Connie!" said Nora stoutly. "It's because she's handsome and clever and yet she isn't conceited; she's always interested in other people. And she's an orphan and people were very fond of her mother.

In front of him stood the mysterious stranger, who had moved neither hand nor foot, and Jack's last conscious recollection was of the quiet, smiling face, and the mocking laugh once more rang in his ears. Suddenly the frightful, strangling clutch seemed to tighten, the blood drummed madly in his ears as if every vein was bursting; then he knew no more.

"You did not always treat me with such contempt, Madame," he said, with a mocking laugh, "and by God, I have no mind to stand it now," and, putting one arm around her quivering shoulders and crushing in his the hand with which she would have pushed him from her, he leaned lightly over to kiss her.

Hurstwood moved his eyes over the paper slowly, but said nothing. "'We sail for Liverpool from New York," Jessica exclaimed, mocking her acquaintance. "'Expect to spend most of the "summah" in France, vain thing. As If it was anything to go to Europe." "It must be if you envy her so much," put in Hurstwood. It grated upon him to see the feeling his daughter displayed.

Thus he gambled with high stakes and mercilessly, hating himself, mocking himself, won thousands, threw away thousands, lost money, lost jewelry, lost a house in the country, won again, lost again.

The poet is a mocking demon who rides on clouds dropping epigrams earthward, the earth that grunts and sweats beneath the sun or cowers and weeps under the stellar prairies. He mockingly calls himself "The Grand Chancellor of Analysis." Like Nietzsche he dances when his heart is heavy, and trills his roundelays and his gamut of rancorous flowers with an enigmatic smile on his lips.

She did not like to look back, but felt as if the woman she had just passed must be mocking her behind her back, or perhaps threatening her, ready to do her a mischief. And certainly it was Lizzie Hampson who was running on in front.

"Upon my word, a very quaint little comedy!" said a coldly mocking voice behind her "A modern Juliet gazing pathetically after the retiring form of a somewhat elderly clerical Romeo! Let me congratulate you, Miss Maryllia, on your newest and most brilliant achievement, the conquest of a country parson! It is quite worthy of you!" And turning, she confronted Lord Roxmouth.