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But Billy lay staring wide eyed at the open square of his window that showed the little village nestling among the trees dotted here and there with friendly winking lights, the great looming mountains in the distance, and Stark mountain, farthest and blackest of them all. He shut his eyes and tried to blot it out, but it seemed to loom through his very eyelids and mock him.

And I am equally sure that Mrs. Thornburgh doesn't know how to behave to a fiancé. Robert threw up his arms in mock terror at the name, and departed. 'We are abandoned, cried Rose, flinging herself into the chair again then with a little flash of half irresolute wickedness 'and we are free! Oh, I hope she will be happy!

"What I had in mind was an exchange of seats with him. I thought it would be pleasanter for you; that is, I mean, pleasanter for " He stopped short, seeing nothing but a more hopeless involvement ahead; also because he saw signals of distress or of mirth flying in the brown eyes. "Oh, please!" she protested in mock humility. "Do leave my vanity just the tiniest little cranny to creep out of, Mr.

"We thought we'd left the sun behind us, Constance, but evidently 'she' is still overhead," he said, smiling. She looked down with mock reproof, playfully shaking at him a flower which she held in her hand. "I thought compliments were out of date, Adrien. Have you enjoyed your drive?" "Not half so much as the welcome," was the courteous reply, as he caught the rose which she had let fall.

Making a face at his superior, Horace Jumped tip and soon came back, dragging a monster pile of fragrant pine branches, which he quickly separated into five heaps. "Does the honored general wish me to wrap and tuck each one in his bed or will they do that themselves?" he asked, bowing in mock deference.

The two latter personages have been already damaged by the mock heroic description of them in the introduction.

One of the cubs, upon shifting his position, loosened a small apple which fell directly into the upturned face of the dog. With a yelp of pain and astonishment Pal scuttled for the cabin, his tail between his legs and his interest in bear cubs suddenly evaporating. The Hermit looked up in mock reproach at the cub.

Let no one say I desire a slave insurrection; but, sir, I doubt not that hundreds of thousands of honest and patriotic hearts will laugh at your calamity, and mock when your fear cometh.

It was bad to see in the heat of fight; but now in the cold morning, with no cheer or drum-tap or bugle blare, all the glory had gone out of it, and it was just one huge butcher's shop, where poor devils had been ripped and burst and smashed, as though we had tried to make a mock of God's image.

Mather alludes, in frequent passages, to this angry state of feeling, as the following: "It is by our quarrels that we spoil our prayers; and if our humble, zealous, and united prayers are once hindered! Alas, the Philistines of Hell have cut our locks for us; they will then blind us, mock us, ruin us.