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Angry, mortified, outraged, she fought herself free and leaped to her feet. "Oh!" she cried, in insulted anger. "Oh!" she cried, in a red shame. "Oh!" she cried, in sorrow. Her calm broke. She burst into the violent sobbing of a child, and turned and ran hurriedly to the factory. Ned Trent stared after her a minute from beneath scowling brows. He stamped his moccasined foot impatiently.

Sam, having eaten his fill, planted his elbows, and leaned nearer to her across the narrow board. She did not draw back. Under the table their moccasined feet touched by accident, and each breast was shaken. Bela slowly drew her foot away. Their heads involuntarily came closer. The sweetness that emanated from her almost overpowered him.

He placed them side by side on the snow and showed David how to fasten his moccasined feet in them without using his hands. For three quarters of an hour after that, out in the soft, deep snow in the edge of the spruce, he gave him his first lesson in that slow, swinging, out-stepping stride of the north-man on the trail.

He showed some surprise when he saw his visitor. "I thought you were in bed, M'sieur," he exclaimed. "Your room was dark." "Sleep?" laughed Philip. "Do you think that I can sleep to-night, Jean?" "As well as some others, perhaps," replied Jean, offering him a chair. "Will you smoke, M'sieur?" Philip lighted a cigar, and pointed to the other's moccasined feet, wet with melting snow.

He was no more sober than the crowd above which he now towered a wild crowd, uncouthly garmented, every foot moccasined or muc-lucked , with mittens dangling from necks and with furry ear-flaps raised so that they took on the seeming of the winged helmets of the Norsemen. Daylight's black eyes were flashing, and the flush of strong drink flooded darkly under the bronze of his cheeks.

Viewed through a glass, it was seen that they wore stained feathers in their black hair dangling about their shoulders, with the blankets wrapped round their forms descending to their moccasined feet.

The boy paused, but with an arrow still drawn to its head. His eyes flashing, head erect, one moccasined foot on the ram’s body, the other braced against the cliff; his short fawn-colored skin shirt clung to his lithe body, and the fringed edges hung over the dreadful black chasm in front of him.

All of them moved their thin brown legs ceaselessly; their moccasined shanks kept up a constant drumming against the ponies' sides. The afternoon was old when they reached the dry wash. They left two or three of their number behind in charge of the ponies. The others came on afoot.

From its rise at Lake Linderman the Yukon runs twenty-five hundred miles to Bering Sea, traversing an almost unknown region, the remote recesses of which had never felt the moccasined foot of the pathfinder. At occasional intervals men wallowed into its dismal fastnesses, or emerged gaunt and famine-worn.

Then, almost as he had succeeded in gaining the comparative safety of the trees, beneath his moccasined foot a stick snapped, and a cursed Indian dog gave tongue, rousing the entire pack, and the sleeping camp, like an angry swarm of bees, woke at once to venomous life.