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Beats all how far a little excitement goes in this town," he answered, embarrassed. Her father and Maloney entered the room. Cullison wrung his hand. "Glad to see you, boy. You're in luck that convict did not shoot you up while he had the chance. Saguache is sure buzzing this mo'ning with the way you stood up to him. That little play of yours will help with the jury in September."

"You kids are right at the head of the class in the detective game. Cass bought a brown hat, about 9:30 in the mo'ning. Paid five dollars for it. Wouldn't let them deliver the old one but took it with him in a paper sack." With her lieutenants flanking her Kate went straight to the office of the sheriff. Bolt heard the story out and considered it thoughtfully. "You win, Miss Cullison.

Now he murmured a question: "What about this man Keller? Was he here when you came, Phyl?" The girl turned to Yeager, who had sauntered up. "Didn't you say he came this morning, Jim?" Yeager's eyes were like a stone wall. "Yep. This mo'ning. I needed some husky guy to help me, so I got him." "Funny you had to get a fellow from Bear Creek to help you, Jim." "Are you looking for a job, Brill?" "No.

"I am sorry I disappointed yo' after yo' 'd taken such a heap o' trouble," returned the young lady with a puzzling assumption of humility as she rose and smoothed out her skirts, "but I couldn't know exactly what yo' might be expecting after three years; if I HAD, I might have put on mo'ning." She stopped and adjusted a straying tendril of her hair with the sharp corner of the dead man's letter.

"You would have to guarantee his boy would be safe meanwhile." "Two of us would have to watch him day and night without Sam knowing it." "Count me in." "This is where we hit heavy traveling, Slats. For we don't know when the thing is going to be pulled off." "We'll have to be ready. That's all." "Happen to know whether Dick Maloney is here for the show?" "Saw him this mo'ning.

"And you think it better to go right up the river?" said Mr Brooke, turning suddenly to join in the conversation. "Yes; pilate junk long way." "How do you know?" He gave a cunning smile at us both, his little eyes twinkling in a singularly sly manner. "You see vegetable boat come along mo'ning?" "Yes, I saw the boat come alongside." "Blought Ching 'nothee lettee, allee same fliend.

"He sure is going good this mo'ning," Curly drawled confidentially to the scenery. "You would never guess, would you, that him and me had raised that crop in couples?" "That's all right, too. I'm no sky pilot. But I know when to quit. Seemingly you don't. I hear you've been up at Stone's horse ranch. I want to tell you that won't do you any good if it gets out."

We've got to ride twenty miles for fresh hawsses and these have got to have a little rest." They unsaddled and picketed, then strolled to the spring. "I've been thinking that maybe we have made a mistake. Isn't it possible the man with Miss Kinney is not Struve?" asked Neill. "That's easy proved. You saw him this mo'ning." The lieutenant went down into his pocket once more for a photograph.

"I saw Ailsa's house burn," she said slowly. "Marye-mead. When?" "This mo'ning, Curt. Phil thinks it was the shells from the gun-boats. It can't be he'ped now; it's gone. So is Edmund Ruffin's. And I wish I knew where that child, Ailsa, is. I'm that frightened and mise'ble, Curt " An orderly suddenly appeared at the door; her husband kissed her and hurried away.

If you do want to keep it quiet I'm with you. But there's something more. Your brother escaped from Yuma with this fellow Struve. Word came over the wire an hour or two ago that Struve had been captured and that it was certain he had killed his pal, your brother. That's why I mean to see him hanged before mo'ning." "He did kill my brother. He told me so himself."