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He was a thick, shortish man, with surprising muscular development and a head far too large in proportion to his body. His beardless yellow face indicated, as a first impression, a mixture of sagacity, brutality, and humour. "Aha-i, gentlemen!" he called out loudly. His voice was piercing, and oddly disagreeable to the ear. "So we have a little visitor here."

The government of Charlemagne admitted but one form, borrowed from that of the empire in the period of its decline a mixture of the spiritual and temporal powers, exercised in the first place by the emperor, and at second-hand by the counts and bishops.

She climbed on to it quite easily, crawled along, and sat at the end with her feet swinging over the river. It was such an idyllic situation that she felt herself a mixture of a tree nymph and a water nymph, or to follow the Major's humor could almost imagine that she was taking her holiday in the shape of a bird.

You cut the bark up into little pieces with a pair of scissors, fill the bowl of the pipe, and then make a cover or plug for the bowl by using clay or a mixture of salt, ashes and water.

The arrows had spear-shaped iron points a couple of inches long; one of them had been dipped into arrow-poison, a mixture that looked like black tar. They were made of pieces of bamboo a foot long, to which strings of split chair-cane were fastened. About half-past ten I reached the latter's house, and sat down to table with the merry women of the family, who were just having their supper.

My friend threw out the information in a very off-hand way, but I saw that he cocked his eye at me to see if I had followed his reasoning. "You think a man must be well-to-do if he smokes a seven-shilling pipe?" said I. "This is Grosvenor mixture at eightpence an ounce," Holmes answered, knocking a little out on his palm.

This was the favorite method of mediocre performers, but was, of course, easily detected. An equally successful but more difficult way was to insert surreptitiously a lump of metal into the mixture, using an ordinary crucible.

His nose told him what words might have tried vainly to say: he swallowed the mixture. "If I lose the patient," he muttered oracularly, "I lose the money." His resolute wife dragged him out of his chair. The second door in the dining-room led into an empty bed-chamber. With her help, he got into the room, and dropped on the bed. Mrs. Vimpany consulted her watch.

IV. XII. Mixture of Peoples V. VI. Caesar's Agrarian Law V. XI. Dolabella II. III. Laws Imposing Taxes V. V. Preparations of the Anarchists in Etruria IV. VII. Economic Crisis I. XI. Manumission II. III. Continued Distress On the other hand the Solonian legislation knows no restrictions on interest, but on the contrary expressly allows interest to be fixed of any amount at pleasure.

His fresh color, which no wind and weather could quite subdue, his gray-blue eyes with that mixture of thoughtfulness and reverence and daring, his crisp, brown curls glinting with gold in the sunlight all made him good to look upon. There was something about the firm set of his lips and chin that made her feel a hidden strength about him.