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He had only yielded to the solicitation of my personal enemy." "You cannot have one at my court, madame; the lieutenant of police would have done well not to have named her to you." "Thanks to him, however, I shall now know whom I ought to mistrust. I know also who is the author of the two scurrilous paragraphs." "Some scamp, no doubt; some beggarly scoundrel." "A monsieur Ledoux."

To return to the faculty of observation possessed by crowds, our conclusion is that their collective observations are as erroneous as possible, and that most often they merely represent the illusion of an individual who, by a process of contagion, has suggestioned his fellows. Facts proving that the most utter mistrust of the evidence of crowds is advisable might be multiplied to any extent.

Again, he feared the very obvious courtship of the Chevalier de Saint-Eustache, and he would have welcomed a turn of events that would effectually have frustrated it. That he did not himself interfere so far as the Chevalier's wooing was concerned, I could but set down to the mistrust of Saint-Eustache amounting almost to fear of which he had spoken.

By never using our proper freedom, we give them prescriptive licence of usurpation, so that the hours in which the heavens are nearest to us are become the peculiar inheritance of thieves. I confess that on the night when first I set out to do without a bedroom I too felt all the force of the traditional mistrust.

"Come here at precisely seven o'clock; and, remember, don't lisp a single word to any one about it, for, if you do, we shall be found out." The Rangers were about to disperse, when one of them suddenly inquired, "Will not folks mistrust that something is in the wind, if they see us all starting up the road at that time of night?" "That's a fact," said William Gage.

The shock given to the credit of the bank by this last requisition of Bonaparte will be felt for a long time, and will with difficulty ever be repaired under his despotic government. Even now, when the bank pays in cash, our merchants make a difference from five to ten per cent. between purchasing for specie or paying in bank-notes; and this mistrust will not be lessened hereafter.

In those unhappy times every man mistrusted his neighbour, fearing he might be concerned in one of the eighteen police establishments supported by the mistrust of the emperor in the affections of his subjects.

Lo Kuan Chang is not a person in the ordinary expression; he is an embodiment of a distinguished and utterly unassailable national institution. The Heaven-sent works with which he is, by general consent, connected form the necessary unchangeable standard of literary excellence, and remain for ever above rivalry and above mistrust.

Official opinion naturally accepted the official account, and for the next few days Mr Beveridge became an object of considerable anxiety and mistrust. “I can’t make the man out,” said Sherlaw to Escott. “I had begun to think there was nothing much the matter with him.”

I have myself been seeking all my life for the audience now happily vouchsafed me. Whence this mistrust of your faithful Anno, who has served you so loyally and zealously these many years?” Lucifer pointed significantly to the gag and fetters. “I shall never forgive myself,” protested the Cardinal, “for the part I have borne in this unfortunate transaction.