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Signifieng that in a true loue knot his sword was tide to defend and maintaine the high features of his mistres.

Signor Duca, and my honored master; they say that the very images of stone in Venice have ears, and that the horses of bronze will kick, if an evil word is spoken against those up above." "Is it not enough, varlet, to draw curses from the meek Job, to rob him of a wife? Hast thou no feeling for thy mistres?

This villain colleagued with one Bartol a desperate Italian, practised to breake into those rich mens houses in the night where the plague had most rained, and if there were none but the mistres and maid left aliue, to rauish them both, and bring awaie all the wealth they could fasten on. In a hundred chief citizens houses where the hand of God had bin, they put this outrage in vse.

Comming with it as fast as her legs could carrie her, her mistres at her returne was in a swound, and lay for dead on the floore, wherat she shrikt out, and fel a rubbing & chafing her very busily. It reuiu'd her with a merrie vengeance, for it kilde her outright: only she awakend and lift vp her hands, but spake nere a word.

They are all drunke already, and such Confusion in their heads and tongues, my master kisses the next man and calls him Mistres Dorothy; Mr.

My Surgeon sayes no danger; when you please, I may venture, Sir, to London. Ri. No hast now. Cou. Not to-night, Sir; wee must have revells and you salute my Bride. Un. And mine. Tho. A knights Daughter and heire. Fra. May all joy thrive upon your Loves. Then you are cosend of your Mistres, Mounseir? Do. But your nephew knowes I have met with my match. Some bodie has been put to the sword. Ri.

The servant of the house affirmed it appertained to his mistres.

Now shal you know all the estate of our house, now shal you know the hidden secrets of my mistres, unto whome the powers of hel do obey, and by whom the celestial planets are troubled, the gods made weake, and the elements subdued, neither is the violence of her art in more strength and force, than when she espieth some comly young man that pleaseth her fancie, as oftentimes it hapneth, for now she loveth one Boetian a fair and beautiful person, on whom she employes al her sorcerie and enchantment, and I heard her say with mine own ears yester night, that if the Sun had not then presently gon downe, and the night come to minister convenient time to worke her magicall enticements, she would have brought perpetuall darkness over all the world her selfe.

Indeed it is the high way in which some Deliver up their purses. He may clime To scarlet, but that he has too good a face. De. Sir, I hope Ri. Troth, do not, Sir, I meane, trouble yourselfe: He is too bashfull to prevaile upon Your spirited mistres! Enter Mr. Engine. En. Sir Richard. Ri. More customers? Mr. Engine, welcome; Your presence was unexpected in the Countrey. En.

O Mistres Dority, tis e'ne long of you, for betweene sleepe and awake your remembrance came to me this morning, and Thomas was up presently. Ri. You must excuse me, wife; I meane to kill a brace of hares before You thinke tis day. Come, on with my Bootes, Thomas; And Dorothy goe you to Sir Francis Chamber, Tell him the Day growes old and I am readie, Our horses and the merry hounds expect us. La.