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Davlin, whose first thought had been that the open door was to welcome his approach, realized in an instant as he gazed upon Madeline, that he was about to be defied. There was no mistaking the expression of the face, so white and set. He elevated his eyebrows in an elaborate display of astonishment.

"Stop, or I'll fire!" she called again, and she aimed her musket at the foremost assailants. Every face turned in her direction, for her voice had rung out clear as music. For an instant there was silence the levelled musket had a deadly look, and the girl seemed determined. Her fingers, her whole body, trembled; but there was no mistaking the strong will, the indignant purpose.

Reluctantly Yorke discounted his first impressions. Here was no self-conscious bravado. Warily he surveyed George for a moment the cool appraising glance of the ring champion in his corner scanning his challenger then, swinging out of the saddle, he dropped his lines and began to unbuckle his spurs. There was no mistaking his actions. Redmond followed suit.

There was no mistaking the impulse that prompted her. She had seen many an accident in the hunting-field, and knew well that when a man fell like that it was ten to one he was badly hurt. Isaacs was ghastly pale, and there was a little blood on Miss Westonhaugh's white gauntlet. Her face was whiter even than his, though not a quiver of mouth or eyelash betrayed emotion.

"You understand," he went on, "how contemptible must seem their talk of a heritage in France, when such a thought is in one's mind, even if " "Yes," she interrupted, hastily. "You were quite wrong. You were mistaken." "Mistaking in thinking you " "Yes," she interrupted again. "You are quite mistaken, and I am very sorry, of course, that it should have happened."

"On the contrary," said the doctor, "it is their peculiarity of eye that makes them dwell in caves." "You are mistaking the cause for the effect, doctor." "Not at all; it is you who are making that mistake." "It's the old debate," said Melick. "As the poet has it: "'Which was first, the egg or the hen? Tell me, I pray, ye learned men!"

"You are Vikings?" cried the boy, pressing his horse into the foam so eagerly, that the men, mistaking his intent, had to be represt again by Hereward. "You are Vikings! Then come on shore, and welcome. You shall be my friends. You shall be my brothers. I will answer to my grandfather. I have longed to see Vikings. I long to be a Viking myself."

In your eagerness to serve such a miserable creature as this you forgot my entreaties, my commands, my position! I explained to you why I, of all men, and you, of all women, as a part of me, should not do this thing; and yet you did it, mistaking such a cur as that for a man! What am I to do? How am I to free myself from the impediments which you make for me?

The world does not understand the Love that is selfless because it is engrossed in the pursuit of its own pleasures, and cramped within the narrow limits of perishable interests mistaking, in its ignorance, those pleasures and interests for real and abiding things. Caught in the flames of fleshly lusts, and burning with anguish, it sees not the pure and peaceful beauty of Truth.

He knew now the reason he always had judged them, even to the last moment, using the uncompromising foot rule of prejudice, inherent or acquired. In the old days he had thought of these prejudices as standards, mistaking aversions for principles.