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"Peregrine don't understand the likes of us, yet." "Why no, Ann, I was forgetting the poor, misfort'nate young gent has never known the blessings of hardship, never suffered, never lacked for anything all his days and consequently knows nothing o' true hospitality or the brotherhood o' the roadside how should he?" "Then you shall teach me, if you will, Mr. Jarvis," said I, humbly.

Look at me I were the per-wersest infant that ever was, till I took to smokin', and to-day, whatever I am, I ain't per-werse, nor yet cross-grained, and many a misfort'nate cove, as is now no more 'as wept over me at partin' " "They generally always do!" growled Jeremy, uncorking the rum-bottle with his teeth.

"S'elp me, Jeremy!" said he, addressing his saturnine friend, "s'elp me, if I ever see a pore misfort'nate cove more to my mind an' fancy nice an' tall an' straight-legged twelve stone if a pound a five-foot drop now or say five foot six, an' 'e'll go off as sweet as a bird; ah! you'll never feel it, my covey not a twinge; a leetle tightish round the windpipe, p'r'aps but, Lord, it's soon over.

I see as you're a cove as takes things nice an' quiet, an' so long as you do I'm your friend Bob's my name, an' bobbish is my natur'. Lord! the way I've seen misfort'nate coves take on at sight o' them 'bracelets' is something out-rageous! But you why, you're a different kidney you're my kind, you are what do you say, Jeremy?" "Don't like 'is eye!" growled that individual.