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Deronda would not let himself for a moment dwell on any supposition that the consequences might enter deeply into his own life. The image of Mirah had never yet had that penetrating radiation which would have been given to it by the idea of her loving him. As to the search for Mirah's mother and brother, Deronda took what she had said to-day as a warrant for deferring any immediate measures.

Deronda took his leave soon after, and when Mrs. Meyrick went outside with him to exchange a few words about Mirah, he said, "Hans is to share my chambers when he comes at Christmas." "You have written to Rome about that?" said Mrs. Meyrick, her face lighting up. "How very good and thoughtful of you! You mentioned Mirah, then?" "Yes, I referred to her. I concluded he knew everything from you."

For so long, so long I had never felt my outside world happy; and if I got wicked I should lose my world of happy thoughts where my mother lived with me. That was my childish notion all through those years. Oh how long they were!" Mirah fell to musing again. "Had you no teaching about what was your duty?" said Mrs. Meyrick.

"A wretch so empty that if e'er there be In nature found the least vacuity 'Twill be in him." I have accounted for it all he had a lively spine. However, this cousinship with the duchess came out by chance one day that Mirah was with them at home and they were talking about the Mallingers. Apropos; I am getting so important that I have rival invitations.

For if many of our race were wicked and made merry in their wickedness what was that but part of the affliction borne by the just among them, who were despised for the sins of their brethren? But you have not rejected me." Mirah had changed her tone in this last sentence, having suddenly reflected that at this moment she had reason not for complaint but for gratitude.

It must be that he was rarely at home. He was already grown up. It is a pity her brother should be quite a stranger to her." "He is good; I feel sure Ezra is good," said Mirah, eagerly. "He loved my mother he would take care of her. I remember more of him than that.

Hans makes himself a blind bard, and then Rienzi addressing the Romans, and then an opera-dancer, and then a desponding young gentleman I am sorry for them all, and yet I laugh, all in one" here Mirah gave a little laugh that might have entered into a song. "We hardly thought that Mirah could laugh till Hans came," said Mrs.

He turns child suddenly his age usually strikes one as being like the Israelitish garments in the desert, perhaps near forty, yet with an air of recent production. But, with Mirah, he reminds me of the dogs that have been brought up by women, and remain manageable by them only.

Concerning Mirah's feeling and resolve he had no doubt: there would be a complete union of sentiment toward the departed mother, and Mirah would understand her brother's greatness. Yes, greatness: that was the word which Deronda now deliberately chose to signify the impression that Mordecai had made on him.

But in his usual wakefulness at night, he fell to wondering what money Mirah had by her, and went back over old Continental hours at Roulette, reproducing the method of his play, and the chances that had frustrated it. He had had his reasons for coming to England, but for most things it was a cursed country.