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He shivered in abject terror, drew the fur cloak tighter around him, without knowing what he was about, and shook his head in energetic denial. "So it's not true, you fraud?" she said, with comic indignation. "You deny that since we met up at the Hermitage you have been taking all your walks in this neighborhood? Dios mío! What a monster of falsehood have we here? And how brazenly he lies."

And so we said: 'At least at least the sun of the hair of our Chérisette must shine in the dark England; we, too, will go there, away from the garlic and the canary, and the fogs will give us new ideas, and we shall create wonderful things. Is it not so, Mirko mio?" "But, of course, Papa," the boy echoed; and then his voice trembled with a pitiful note.

With his attention so steadily fixed upon me, my father could not remain without suspicion. He came to my room one morning, installed himself there, and said: "I hope, Vico mio, that you have remained and will remain a nobleman in all things."

Slowly she advanced, her face pale and drawn with a frightful apprehension, her eyes fixed and staring, her terrified gaze riveted upon the dark figure on the floor. "You have killed him!" she muttered. "Oh, Dio mio, you have killed him!" Then I heard a sudden sharp intake of her breath, and she sprang into the air with a cry of joy.

Then he hurried them along in unfamiliar language to "O mio Fernando" and "Spiritu gentil," which they fondly imagined were hymns, until, with crowning audacity, after a few preliminary chords of the "Miserere," he landed them broken-hearted in the Trovatore's donjon tower with "Non te scordar de mi."

"Pablo is a trifle jealous of the job of waiting on me. We'll iron everything out in the morning. Good-night, Murray." "Buenas noches, mono mio," Pablo grunted. "I have a slight knowledge of the Spanish tongue, sir," Murray protested. "This blackamoor has insulted me, sir. Just now he said, in effect, 'Good-night, monkey mine. Earlier in the evening, he attempted to murder Mr. Parker's guest, Mr.

What are castles and titles pomp and glory when weighed against her? Dust, padron mio, all dust!" "And what about her, Giuseppe?" "Her heart is hidden; but there is that in her eyes that tells me to hope." "And what about me?" "Alas! Love is selfish. But you are the last I would seek to hurt or to rob. You have been very good to me and Madonna loves you.

I was strolling down almost the only street in the afternoon when I met a couple of carabineers riding into it, and shortly after encountered the whole troop, to my great delight, in command of an intimate friend whom I had left a month before in Naples. "Ah, caro mio!" he exclaimed, when he saw me, "well met.

Besides, amigo mio, it would spoil my plan in several respects notably, that with the nina and others too numerous to mention. But unless he show fight, we must take him alive, his guests along with him. I hope he will." "I think it likely you'll have your hopes. The two Americanos are not men to submit tamely.

We were standing on the pavement outside the albergo, our numbers reduced to ten or twelve; instead of saying "Good-night" to me in the usual way, Giovanni put his hands on my shoulders and said "Enrico mio! Caro fratello! Io ti voglio bene assai, assai, assai!"