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Now, reader, the "don't" and the blush had no reference to the arm round the waist, but to the relative position of their noses, mouths, and chins, a position which would have been highly improper and altogether unjustifiable but for the fact that Ruby was Minnie's accepted lover. "Don't, darling, why not?" said Ruby in surprise. "You're so rough," said Minnie, turning her head away.

Lee, springing from the carriage, and kissing Minnie's glowing cheek. "You may show him Nannie, too; and he will tell you how to manage her." They were soon seated in the parlor, when Mr. Lee said,

It was unconscious passion! Donald had made up his mind to go West In vain his parents dissuaded him. Young love is hopeful, and Donald had pictured reunion in such attractive guise, that Minnie was half reconciled to his departure. But the parting was sad. Donald had spent the last evening at Minnie's parents. The clock has no sympathy with lovers. It struck the hours remorselessly.

I never saw you before!" and the blonde woman flashed her light full on Minnie's white face. And as the girl shrank back, Morocco Kate, so called, sneered: "Some one else he's got on a string, I suppose! Ho! It's a merry life you lead, LeGrand Blossom!" "Stop!" the young man exclaimed. "I can't let you go on this way. Minnie, please leave us for a moment. I'll come to you as soon as I can."

Her sad confidings to her mother, Minnie's adventure, Arthur's pitiful if not alarming condition, she strove to reconsider duly and in their order; but perpetually there interfered, with its every smallest detail thrillingly clear and strong, that moment which had thrown her once more into the company, tossed her into the very clutch, of Leonard Byington.

This was the business acquaintance of Prince Bukaty's, who had come to speak of jettison. Cartoner knew Captain Cable well, and his specialty in maritime skill. He had seen war waged before now with material which had passed in and out of the Minnie's hatches. The prince did not refer again to the affairs that had called him away.

I stepped down on to the cabin floor, and then I told 'em both wot I thought of 'em. "'Come along, Alfred, ses the gal, 'else the cook'll be back before we start. "'He's all right, ses the young man. 'Minnie's looking arter him. When I left he'd got 'arf a bottle of whisky in front of 'im. "'Still, we may as well go, ses Miss Butt. 'It seems a shame to keep the cab waiting.

Now, there is a screen just inside the entrance to this gallery, and behind it are Minnie Hescott and Mr. Gower. Randal's eyes are sharp, but Minnie's even sharper. They both note, not only Maurice's abrupt entrance, but the expression on his face. "Do something quickly," says Minnie, giving Randal a little energetic push that all but overturns the screen. "Anything!

"The Thynnebroods date from 1395." "But then," said Mrs. Warrender, much amused, shooting a bow at a venture, "their descent counts in the female line." Upon which a deep blush, a wave of trouble and shame, passed over Minnie's countenance. "Only in one case," she cried, "only once; and that you will allow is not much in five hundred years."

All experience goes to prove that great joy will utterly overbear the adverse influence of physical troubles, especially if those troubles are without, and do not touch the seats of life within. Minnie's love, expressed as it was in her own innocent, truthful, and straightforward way, rendered his body, big though it was, almost incapable of containing his soul.