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You see Miss Dobson had some truck she was canning, and she stayed downstairs so long that when she went back she found Ethie had taken possession of that bed where nobody ever slept, and was burnin' up with fever and talkin' the queerest kind of talk about divorces, and all that, and there was something in her face made Miss Dobson mistrust who she was, and she telegraphed for Melinda and me or rather for Melinda and I came out with her, for I knew in a minit who the strange woman was.

Ye may say I lie, but s'help me, I cud no more lift that little trunk than th' ship herself. "Gold? Why, how cud it 'a' been anything but solid gold? I cud lift that much lead easy. I stopped a minit and took out me knife, me mind made up to thry th' lock. I give wan good pick at ut, an' thin I hears a sort av grunt.

I see in a minit what would be expected of me both by the nation and by my own Gardeen Angel of Duty. I must encourage him by tellin' him what I thought of the noble doin's of one of his folks, and I must warn him on a few things, and git him to turn round in his tracks. So I advanced, and accosted him.

Hit 'peared like her pra'r wuz heard; for in a minit, right out de same do', kyarin' Ham Fisher in his arms, come ole marster, wid his clo's all blazin'. Dey flung water on 'im, an' put 'im out; an', ef you b'lieve me, yo' wouldn't a-knowed 'twuz ole marster.

"Oh, I tell you," said Jasper, tugging at the buckle, "Jim ain't been preachin' ten years fur nothin'. Wall, mighty fur nothin', too; for I ricolleck that one winter all he got was a pa'r of blue jeens britches an' fo' pa'r of wool socks. And if I don't cuss this thing in a minit more I'll be about fitten to preach." "Mr. Starbuck," Mrs.

Missus! there's fire in the dairy, fire in the dairy! 'I'll give it to you for that, said the old lady, 'I'll give it you for that, you good-for-nothin' hussy; that's all your carelessness; go and put it out this minit; how on airth did it get there?

Hit 'peared like her pra'r wuz heard; for in a minit, right out de same do', kyarin' Ham Fisher in his arms, come ole marster, wid his clo'es all blazin'. Dey flung water on 'im, an' put 'im out; an', ef you b'lieve me, yo' wouldn' a-knowed 'twuz ole marster.

"You wait wan minit till I find the shawl here it is, by the same token! an' I'll wrap you up in it." He crept cautiously aft to the stern-sheets and took Emmeline in his arms. "Don't want the shawl," said Emmeline; "I'm not so much afraid in your coat." The rough, tobacco-smelling old coat gave her courage somehow. "Well, thin, keep it on. Dicky, are you cowld?"

It's only one o' them funny paragraphs ye kin read in a minit in the papers that takes YOU an hour to tell." To her surprise Dan'l only looked at his sister with complacency. "That," he said, "is jest what the New York publisher sez.

"'He des dis minit pass, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en he look mighty sick, sezee. "En wid dat, Miss Cow tuck down de road like de dogs wuz atter er, en Brer Rabbit, he des lay down dar in de brier-patch en roll en laugh twel his sides hurtid 'im. He bleedzd ter laff. Fox atter 'im, Buzzard atter 'im, en Cow atter 'im, en dey ain't kotch 'im yet."