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'Stop a minit, said Sam, 'you're all vite behind. 'That's right, Sammy, rub it off, said Mr. Weller, as his son dusted him. 'It might look personal here, if a man walked about with vitevash on his clothes, eh, Sammy? As Mr. Weller exhibited in this place unequivocal symptoms of an approaching fit of chuckling, Sam interposed to stop it.

The two men drew their stools to the table. "Hol' on a minit," said Uncle Billy. His partner laid down the cards as Uncle Billy extracted from his pocket a pill-box, and, opening it, gravely took a pill. This was clearly an innovation on their regular proceedings, for Uncle Billy was always in perfect health. "What's this for?" asked Uncle Jim half scornfully. "Agin ager."

He quickly filled the pan again with soil, brought it to the spring, and first washed out the greater bulk of loose soil. "Now come here and kneel down beside me," he said, "and take the pan and do as I show you." She knelt down obediently. Suddenly she lifted her little hand with a gesture of warning. "Wait a minit jest a minit till the water runs clear again."

She went to the bed an' stood lookin' at the sick man in a queer sort of way, an' she give a big long breath, as if she felt awful bad, an' then went out by a door that I knew went to the hall, an' I heard noises in a minit more, as if they come from the kitchin stove. 'Now I knowed she took me for a nurse and all that, but all the same I begun to think I'd better git out.

I've observed a good deal since I left the old farm, an' have come to the belief that thar's a sucker born every minit and two ter ketch him.

He'd done sold, Rocket is. I hearn him knocked down, and then I comed to tell you, an' he looked so handsome, too, caperin' like a kitten. They done made me show him off, for he wouldn't come for nobody else, but the minit he fotched a sight of dis chile, he flung 'em right and left. I fairly cried to see how he went on."

"Well, I'm not quite sure yet, only I wanted to know about the food " Robin retreated step by step toward the door, her limp exaggerated by the movement. "I'm waiting for word from my guardian." "Robin! Humph," Budge flung at the door as it closed upon the girl. "If it wasn't that this house depended on me I'd drop my spoon and walk out this minit, I would, or my name ain't Hannah Budge. Guests!

You know the shadder sometimes will be clean across the road, but when you find the post itself 'taint more'n five feet high. Then again the things we don't expect 'll come some morning like a great harricane, and kill the marigolds of the heart in just a minit."

"Mother, I reckon the girl an' I are nearer starved than anybody you know," replied Dale, with a grim laugh. "Fer the land's sake! I'll be fixin' supper this minit." "Nell, why are you here?" asked Bo, suspiciously. For answer Helen led her sister into the spare room and closed the door. Bo saw the baggage. Her expression changed. The old blaze leaped to the telltale eyes.

"Wal, they waited a minit, and didn't hear nothin' but the wind a-screechin' round the chimbley; and old Cack was jest goin' on with his story, when the rap come ag'in, harder'n ever, as if it'd shook the door open.