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Endorsement of January 25, 1918. Governor Hugh M. Dorsey, of Georgia. The Salvation Army has been a potent force for good everywhere, so far as I know. They are rendering to our soldiers "somewhere in France" the most invaluable aid, ministering not only to their spiritual needs, but caring for them in a material way. This they have done without the blare of trumpets.

It was as if he had been getting younger every spring, living in the country with his son and his grandchildren June, and the little ones of the second marriage, Jolly and Holly; living down here out of the racket of London and the cackle of Forsyte 'Change, free of his boards, in a delicious atmosphere of no work and all play, with plenty of occupation in the perfecting and mellowing of the house and its twenty acres, and in ministering to the whims of Holly and Jolly.

It met a long-felt want. Ministering to the spiritual needs of the neighborhood in times of peace, it became a haven of refuge when trouble began. From all sides people poured into it, emerging cautiously when the marauders had disappeared.

As for Madame de Mailly, she spent the last years of her troubled life in the odour of a tardy sanctity washing the feet of the poor, ministering to the sick, bringing consolation to those in prison; and she was laid to rest amongst the poorest in the Cimetière des Innocents, wearing the hair-shirt which had been part of her penance during life, and with a simple cross of wood for all monument.

Showing his body unto them, and ministering unto them; and an account of his ministry shall be given hereafter. Therefore for this time I make an end of my sayings.

Oftentimes they were all there, but occasionally one of the grandparents or the mother would be away at Roselands for a day or two, taking turns in ministering to Mrs. Conly, and comforting and cheering her feeble old father.

All were favourable except Berridge, who, although "the most dubious man in the world about his own judgment," yet wrote, "Will not Jesus choose, and teach, and send forth His ministering servants now, as He did the disciples aforetime; and glean them up when, and where, and how He pleaseth? The world says no, because they are strangers to a Divine commission and a Divine teaching.

The seventh heaven, on the other hand, contains naught but what is good and beautiful: right, justice, and mercy, the storehouses of life, peace, and blessing, the souls of the pious, the souls and spirits of unborn generations, the dew with which God will revive the dead on the resurrection day, and, above all, the Divine Throne, surrounded by the seraphim, the ofanim, the holy Hayyot, and the ministering angels.

Exceptions, however, to this rule exist, and these, briefly stated, are as follows. When a writer writes a book let us say, for example, a novel the object of which is to give pleasure, his primary object in writing it may be either to please himself or else to make money by ministering to the taste of others.

"Am I going to be ridiculous?" she said to herself. "Am I going to be one of the women I despise?" Just then she realized that love may become a tyrant, ministering to the soul with persecutions. Sebastiano took his arm from Lucrezia's waist as Hermione came down to the terrace, and said: "Buona sera, signora. Is the signore coming down yet?" He flung out his arm towards the mountain.