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The young men obtained an option on this mine for three months from Von Brent. Kenyon's educated eye had told him that the white mineral they were placing on the dump at the mouth of the mine was even more valuable than the mica for which they were mining.

The miners had to stop digging here because they lost track of the streak. But they'll find it again." "How do you know?" asked Jimmy-boy, who thought Nate was putting on too many airs. "Because Mr. Templeton said so. They've sent for Colonel Somebody from I forget where. He's a splendid mining engineer, great for finding lost veins. He'll be here next week and bring a lot of men."

Savine was a man of quick, restless movements and nervous disposition. The gray that tinged his long mustache, lightly sprinkled his hair, gave evidence of his fifty years of intense living. He was known to be not only a daring engineer, but a generally successful speculator in mining and industrial enterprises.

The commonplace remark saved the situation from bathos, as I am now certain shrewd old Yank knew it would. "What are you going to do with your shares, boys?" asked Talbot after a while. "Going back home, or mining? Speak up, Yank." Yank spat accurately out the open window. "I've been figgering," he replied. "And when you come right down to it, what's the use of going back?

When this approaches the wall it will overtop it, and a drawbridge with grappling irons may be dropped upon the parapet. Elsewhere there is mining and countermining. From a safer distance the artillery of the time is hurling its formidable missiles.

It was a new world to Blanka, that busy mining community, where clouds of black smoke from the tall chimneys of the smelting works and iron foundries met the eye in every direction, and the cheerful hum of toil constantly saluted the ear. The Adorjan family gave the newcomer a most hearty welcome.

In all the several activities, mining, freighting, scouting, soldiering, riding pony express, or even sheer adventuring for what might come, there was ever a trading back and forth between home-staying men and adventuring men. Thus there was an interchange of knowledge and of customs between East and West, between our old country and our new.

As a result of a number of conflicting orders which Judge Noyes had made pertaining to a certain disputed mining claim, a body of masked men some time later endeavored by force of arms to drive away the parties in possession, in consequence of which there was bloodshed and enrichment of the hospital.

I should like to point to Casey Ryan, the mining millionaire and say, 'That plutocratic gentleman over there once knocked me down with a hammer, and washed my dishes for two weeks, and really, my dears, you should taste his sour-dough biscuits!"

"Well you see she thinks Lola is the daughter of a dead mining friend. Some day, of course, I'll tell her. In fact, the knowledge will grow on her. But not now. It wouldn't do. She couldn't understand." "No?" But the quiet sarcasm was wasted on Paul, and the artist continued, "Aren't you leaving Andrea out of your calculations?" Paul ruffled like an angry gobbler.