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Old records of the French régime, daily journals of the Hudson's Bay Company fur-traders, repeatedly refer to well-known mines between Lake Superior and James Bay; but fur-traders discouraged mining; and this region is less known to-day than when coureur de bois and voyageur threaded river and lake and leafy wilderness. Ontario, like Quebec, is only on the outer edge of realizing her own wealth.

We proceed to the Royal Saxon Mining Office, and request permission to descend into thebowels of the land.” This is accorded us without difficulty, and we receive a beautiful specimen of German text, in the shape of a lithographed Fahrschein, or permission to descend into Abraham’s Shaft and Himmelfahrt, and to inspect all the works and appliances thereunto belonging.

"Not here?" repeated Bostwick. "Where is he, then?" "Somewhere out in another camp or mining place or something. Now please go and dress. We can talk it over later." "This is abominable of Glen," said Bostwick. "Is McCoppet in town?" She looked her surprise. "McCoppet?" "You don't know him, of course," he hastened to say. "I shall try to find him at once."

Great sums are lost in gold-mining countries by injudicious investments in mills and machinery to work the auriferous rock, and persons going into the business should be particularly careful not to commit this great error. The business of quartz mining has great profits, but also great pecuniary dangers connected with it. It is rarely that all the rock of a vein will pay for working.

The way everybody and everything have grown and spread out since the Northern Pacific Railroad has been running cars through Helena is most amazing. It was so recently a mining town, just "Last Chance Gulch," where Chinamen were digging up the streets for gold, almost undermining the few little buildings, and Chinamen also were raising delicious celery, where now stand very handsome houses.

"Stop that nonsense, Johnnie," ordered Miss Whitford sharply, a pain stabbing her heart at his words. "Don't begin whining already. We've got to see him through. Buck up and tell me what you know." "That's right, Johnnie," added the mining man. "You and Kitty quit looking like the Atlantic Ocean in distress. We've got to endure the grief and get busy.

The Bishop of Liege, too, had sent him four thousand pioneers a most important service; for mining and countermining was to decide the fate of Maestricht. Early in January the royalists had surprised the strong chateau of Carpen, in the neighbourhood of the city, upon which occasion the garrison were all hanged by moonlight on the trees in the orchard.

There passed Welch miners, who were to be the fore-runners of quartz mining; miners from Australia, who were to replace the wooden "bateas" of the Mexicans with the rocker and the iron gold-pan, and the term of "specimen" with "nugget."

It's all luck, now; but after the surface has been scraped off, then it will be skill. Does your father know anything about mining?" "No, sir. He's a soldier. He was with General Scott." "That won't cut much figure," said the man, quickly.

Under them the abominable traffic grew larger and larger, until it became far the most important in money value of all the commerce of the Zambesi basin. There could be no extension of agriculture, no mining, no progress of any kind where it was so extensively carried on . It was the Dutch, however, who launched the oversea slave trade as a regular institution.