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But this delay was accounted for by the fact that Davoust had found a marsh without a bridge, and completely encumbered with wagons. He had dragged them out of the slough in sight of the enemy, and so near them that their fires lighted his labors, and the sound of their drums mingled with that of his own voice.

On one of the staircases, I met the physician of the family. His countenance, I thought, wore a mingled expression of low cunning and perplexity. He accosted me with trepidation and passed on. The valet now threw open a door and ushered me into the presence of his master. The room in which I found myself was very large and lofty.

"Why, what is it, darling? what troubles my own sweet child?" he asked, in a tone of mingled surprise and alarm, as he hastily laid aside his book and drew her to his knee. "Nothing, papa; at least, nothing very bad; I believe I am very silly," she replied, trying to smile through her tears.

I did not try to struggle, for I felt how vain would be any effort that I could make. Glancing about me, the very first features I recognized were those of Ingra. At last he had us in his power! I looked at Edmund, but his face was set in thought, and he did not return my glance. Henry, as usual, had plunged into silent hopelessness, and Jack was a picture of mingled rage and despair.

The happiness of former days was a possession forever. And there was something in the mingled sorrow of his lifetime that became akin to happiness, after being long treasured in the depths of his heart. There it underwent a change, and grew more precious than pure gold. And now came the children, somewhat aweary with their wild play, and sought the quiet enjoyment of Grandfather's talk.

Rising from his seat, he said in a more conciliatory tone: "I was only going to say suppose he was to send for her or come for her?" Virginia looked up with an expression of mingled surprise and alarm. Almost anxiously she exclaimed: "Robert come for me! There isn't the slightest chance in the world." The clerk grinned knowingly.

There had been a vague instinctive dread and disgust for the man, mingled with a deep interest he could not understand, in Felix's mind. He paused for an instant, looking at the dirty rags, and bleared eyes, and degraded face of the drunkard standing just in the doorway, with the summer's light behind him. "What's the parson's name?" he called in a thick, unsteady voice. "Is it Sefton?"

As lightning accompanies thunder, so in my character a flash of humour was mingled with the mutterings of my wrath. It was, of course, impossible for me to punish the old man merely to give vent to my rage; and for a long time I did nothing at all. But suddenly one day such an amusing plan came into my head, that I could not resist the temptation of carrying it into effect.

Miss Gwynne and Rowland carried the chess-table into a small room, opening into the drawing-room, and duly locked the door after them. 'I suppose you are fond of chess, said Miss Gwynne for want of something to say. 'Very, said Rowland laconically, and she little knew what was passing in his mind. Always the same thoughts when in her presence thoughts of mingled approbation and dislike.

"By the time we've taken care of those items something more of the same character ought to occur to us. Yes, that's the very way to interest the Grahams in our presence and open the way for an acquaintance." The three now separated and mingled with the other girls who were some distance ahead or behind, and communicated the new plan to all of them.