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As her glance meets mine, she flashes at me, as in the days of yore, the same sweet smile of love and tenderness. The early years of our married life appear before me. Those years when periods of worry alternated with others of freedom from care. The years of my early struggle against heavy odds, to gain success.

No aim that I have ever cherished would they recognise as laudable; no success of mine, if my life, beyond its domestic scope, had ever been brightened by success, would they deem otherwise than worthless, if not positively disgraceful. 'What is he? murmurs one grey shadow of my forefathers to the other. 'A writer of story-books!

I like your society, and you have my entire confidence and highest esteem; but it is impossible that I can ever be your wife." "Why impossible?" "Because I never could love you as I think I ought to love the man I marry." "My dear Edna, answer one question candidly. Do you love any one else better than you love me?" "No, Mr. Leigh." "Does Mr. Murray stand between your heart and mine?"

"To make, madame, in the name of the king, and without prejudice to the respect which I have the honor to owe to your Majesty a close examination into all your papers." "How, monsieur, an investigation of my papers mine! Truly, this is an indignity!" "Be kind enough to pardon me, madame; but in this circumstance I am but the instrument which the king employs.

"'Thank you, I returned, 'but this thing is not proven yet. If you really mean well by me, keep what you have told me to yourself. "'You mean to live with him? he asked. "'I don't know what I shall do; I must have time to think. "'Very well; it is no affair of mine. I don't want a bullet through my head for interfering; but I thought it was no more than fair to let you know.

I do not wish any impediments thrown in the way of a proper search for the heirs of Mrs. Allen; but desire to see the fullest notice given, and in channels by which it is most likely to reach them. At the same time, it is but just to me and mine that all right steps should be taken to protect my interests, in case no heirs should be found. And I have faith in you, Mr. Wallingford."

"The last laugh always is the best laugh, and this time I guess it is going to be mine," she said to herself. Very slowly and carefully, so as not to so much as rustle a leaf, she began to crawl around so as to come up on the back side of the hill.

With Rockel himself, whose sentence had by royal mercy been commuted to lifelong imprisonment, I carried on at this time a correspondence, the character of which soon showed that his life was more cheerful and happy in his enforced captivity than mine with its hopelessness, in spite of the freedom I enjoyed.

"The way is easy to a hundred times as much," he said, in a low meaning voice, and his eyes boldly held hers. "You are doing a chivalrous sort of thing that only a woman would do for duty; do something for another reason: for what a woman would do for the blood of youth that is in her." He reached out a hand to lay it on her arm. "Ask of me what you will, if you but put your hand in mine and "

Stormont had given him fifty dollars and promised him a share in the silver mine, and although he had soon spent the money, he would go to Winnipeg, ask for another payment, and see what progress the fellow was making. If the vein had not yet been located, Stormont would, no doubt, find him a job.