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Wondering where all the busy life of the day had so utterly disappeared to, he made his way to a back door that entered the inn by means of the stables, thinking thus to reach his room unobserved. He reached the courtyard safely and crossed it by keeping close to the shadow of the wall. He sidled down it, mincing along on tiptoe, just as the old men did when they entered the salle

I think that Jimmy Parr desires to see your gentle savage," he added flippantly. We seated ourselves on the gate-bench to await the Major's summons; the dandified young ensign crossed the parade, mincing toward the quarters of Major Parr. And I saw him take a pinch o' the scented snuff he affected, and whisk his supercilious nose again with his laced hanker.

One Sunday in King William's Town a score of colored women came mincing across the great barren square dressed oh, in the last perfection of fashion, and newness, and expensiveness, and showy mixture of unrelated colors, all just as I had seen it so often at home; and in their faces and their gait was that languishing, aristocratic, divine delight in their finery which was so familiar to me, and had always been such a satisfaction to my eye and my heart.

It is incoherent, spineless, consistent only in dulness. Possibly it is worth keeping as a curiosity. Then comes Stonefolds , a series of bitter bucolics. This is pastoral poetry of a new and refreshing kind as unlike to the conventional shepherd-shepherdess mincing, intolerable dialogue as could well be imagined.

Alas! these assurances were little in accordance with Hugh's rough reply, "And what is it to you what I do with mine own?" "Only this, that, having bred her up as my child and intended heiress, I might have some voice." "Oh! in choosing her mate! Some mincing artificer, I trow, fiddling away with wood and wire to make gauds for the fair-day! Hast got him here?

"So, you paste jewel, you'll go mincing into church and see her married and dance with everyone afterward; and I'll sit in the office licking postage stamps while you kiss the bride! I'm better looking than she is; and if you are good enough to go to that wedding so am I!" "Why, Trudy," he began, in a bewildered fashion, "don't make a scene."

Presently our mincing ensign came to us again, saying that the Sagamore and I were to report ourselves to the Major. "Jimmy Parr is in good humour," he whispered. "Leave him in that temper, for mercy's sake, Loskiel; he's been scarcely amiable since you left to catch this six-foot savage for him."

Only the foolish children had been playing tricks; parties I had left mere sucking babes now swaggering in pinafore or knickerbocker; children I had known now mincing it as men and women; such affectation annoyed me. One afternoon it was towards the close of the last week of our stay my mother and I had climbed, as was so often our wont, to the upper platform of old Jacob's tower.

Perhaps Alethea put it into my head; and yet she did not speak very approvingly of the king and the Parliament, so I suppose she would not much object to my breaking the laws which they have formed. Still she would not like to see me placed in the pillory, and that would be my fate if I was caught poaching there's no use mincing the matter, that's the word.

It was hard for Skipper to stand there and see those mincing cobs go by, their pad-housings all a-glitter, crests on their blinders, jingling their pole-chains and switching their absurd little stubs of tails. But it was still more tantalizing to watch the saddle-horses canter past in the soft bridle path on the other side of the roadway. But then, when you are on the force you must do your duty.