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On the under side of the pincushion was secured a card, bearing in neat letters the name "Miss Amelia Minchin." Sara turned it over and over. "Miss Amelia!" she said to herself "How CAN it be!" And just at that very moment she heard the door being cautiously pushed open and saw Becky peeping round it.

"You did very wrong, of course, Netty," said Mrs. Holmes; "and I shall be obliged to tell my Vicar, for we must enquire immediately where Tom and Susy Minchin really were. But, my dear child, I am not going to be very angry with you. I think when Daniel suffered so much this morning you received your punishment, and I am not going to give you another.

"It is evident enough, and always has been, for that matter," said Langholm, coldly. "And so you know what his secret is!" "I do, mister." "And did Mr. Minchin?" "He did." "You would tell him, of course?" The sort of scorn was too delicate for John William Abel, yet even he seemed to realize that an admission must be accompanied by some form of excuse.

Suppose she proves to be quite a different child. What steps shall I take next?" When Sara went into the house she met Miss Minchin, who had come downstairs to scold the cook. "Where have you wasted your time?" she demanded. "You have been out for hours." "It was so wet and muddy," Sara answered, "it was hard to walk, because my shoes were so bad and slipped about."

"She must begin as she is to go on," Miss Minchin said to Miss Amelia. "She must be taught at once what she is to expect." Mariette had left the house the next morning. The glimpse Sara caught of her sitting room, as she passed its open door, showed her that everything had been changed.

He explained to Miss Minchin that his solicitors, Messrs. Barrow & Skipworth, had charge of his affairs in England and would give her any advice she wanted, and that they would pay the bills she sent in for Sara's expenses. He would write to Sara twice a week, and she was to be given every pleasure she asked for.

A cab came tinkling up behind her, and Rachel half thought of hailing it, and driving through the lighted town after all; but the hansom was occupied, and the impulse passed. She put down her veil and turned into the stream without catching a suspicious eye. Why should they suspect her? And again, what did it matter if they did? "Trial an' verdic'! Trial an' verdic'! Acquittal o' Mrs. Minchin!

Well, he was fond of Minchin, treated him like a son, and perhaps he wasn't such a good son as he might have been. But when he told the boss what I told him, and made the suggestion that I thought would come best from a gent like him " "That you should both be taken into partnership on the spot, I suppose?" interrupted Langholm. "Well, yes, it came to something like that." "Go on, Abel.

Hackbutt hadn't hinted it, that I was a Servile Crawler." "I disclaim any personalities. I expressly said, if I may be allowed to repeat, or even to conclude what I was about to say " "Ah, here's Minchin!" said Mr. Frank Hawley; at which everybody turned away from Mr. Hackbutt, leaving him to feel the uselessness of superior gifts in Middlemarch.

"At any rate," answered Mr. Barrow, quite snappishly, "it would have been much better if there never had been any." "Any diamond mines?" ejaculated Miss Minchin, catching at the back of a chair and feeling as if a splendid dream was fading away from her. "Diamond mines spell ruin oftener than they spell wealth," said Mr. Barrow.